After Decades of PETA Protests to Save the Whales and Dolphins, Canada Bans Whale and Dolphin Captivity

Efforts by PETA to save the whales and dolphins in Canada have paid off! In a historic victory, Canada has voted to ban whale and dolphin captivity.

Saved After 10 Years in a Pen, Missy Can’t Stop Smiling

Missy spent 10 years confined to a tiny, junk-filled pen from which she could barely see the rest of the world. But today, she’s seeing a bright future.

Video: Beachgoers Face to Face With ‘Meat’ As Cow Carcass Washes Up

Shocked beachgoers stared as waves carried the animal’s body to shore.

Experimenter Defends Her Abuse of Animals—and Gets Everything Wrong

Experts refute the validity of Tania Roth’s research. Here are five glaring problems with her claims.

Even a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Couldn’t Save This Dog—but PETA Could

She spent years “cast away” with only a toy for companionship. It’s not a new survival movie—it was this dog’s life.

People Are Furious After Fishers Post Video of Themselves Cutting Off a Shark’s Tail

Following the cruel and disgusting stunt, kind folks have been speaking out online, encouraging others to leave animals alone in their natural environments.

Dog Dies During Fireworks Display at ‘Animal-Friendly’ Baseball Game

The Toledo Mud Hens’ “Paws and Pints” promotional night ended in heartbreak when a dog died during the post-game fireworks display.

Video: Dog Freed From Chain and Adopted Can’t Stop Wagging His Tail

Before he was a master of tail cardio, Cooper spent years on a chain. But his life changed when he was rescued by PETA and adopted.

Orca Whose Babies Are Dead or Were Abducted Forced to Do Gender Reveal

Forcing Katina to participate in a gender reveal for humans who will be able to stay together and raise their children is especially coldhearted.

© Heather Murphy, Ocean Advocate News
Man With Muscular Dystrophy Sues Texas A&M Over Civil Rights Violation

Texas A&M is apparently prepared to trample the rights of humans with muscular dystrophy, in addition to tormenting dogs with the canine form of the disease.

New Cosmetics Testing Regs in China Could Spare Thousands of Animals

PETA exposed them. Now, new regulations drafted by the Chinese government represent a huge step forward in banning senseless, cruel animal tests for cosmetics.

What You Should Do After Watching National Geographic’s ‘The Hot Zone’

It’s been 30 years since 1989’s Ebola-Reston crisis, yet Air France still ships monkeys to the U.S. and laboratories like Covance still torment and kill them.

Do You Have What It Takes to Be an Undercover Investigator for PETA?

You: Diligent, sensible, willing to go above and beyond. Us: Largest animal rights organization on Earth. Together, let’s change the world for animals.

PETA Hits Back at Big Pharma to Get Near-Drowning Test Banned

PETA is taking on Big Pharma, demanding that Eli Lilly, Pfizer, and Bristol-Myers Squibb stop using the near-drowning test which torments mice and has no scientific value.

Elephant Crushes Safari Caretaker to Death After He Beats Her

When elephants retaliate against their captors’ abuse, things turn deadly fast. NEVER interact with elephants.

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