Another Elephant Collapses and Dies While Being Forced to Give Rides

Despite the chains around him and his mahout’s sharp bullhook, Kanakota lay down while hauling his fourth load of tourists that day. He never got back up.

© Moving Animals
Reality TV Star Smacks Horse With a Hammer—PETA Wants an Investigation

On a recent episode of “River of No Return,” reality star Ron Ens shocked viewers when he struck a tethered horse with a hammer.

PETA Takes On China for Smashing Animals in Bloody Car-Crash Tests

These experimenters are fastening abused, frightened animals into car seats and crashing them into walls until their bodies are bloody and mangled.

PETA’s True Halloween Horror Stories About Cats Allowed to Roam Outdoors

Do you allow you cat to roam outdoors unsupervised? These true, gruesome stories about “outdoor cats” will certainly scare you straight.

Dogs Eating Each Other, Others Dying in the Cold: This Is ‘No-Kill’

Having a low euthanasia rate but a sky-high rate of cases in which animals die in freezing temperatures, fight and injure each other, or suffer without vet care is not success. It’s cruelty.

Watch These Animals Shed Their Worries After Being Rescued by Animal Rahat

Do you have time to watch formerly abused animals roll around in dirt baths of pure joy, as well as sharing kisses and quality cuddle time? Of course you do.

VIDEO: Children Scream As Bear Charges Abusive Circus Trainer

A bear forced to walk on his hind legs and use a prop attacked a handler at a crowded circus—more proof that animals aren’t meant to perform pointless stunts for humans.

Animal Companions
Huge PETA Win! World’s Largest Retailer, Walmart, Ends Live Fish Sales

In a monumental win for often-overlooked animals, and following a decade-long PETA effort, the world’s largest retailer is ending the sale of live fish!

Will Join PETA in Dismantling Speciesism? has a responsibility to provide accurate and comprehensive definitions that serve people and don’t mislead them.

PETA Breakthrough! NIH Embraces Modern, Human-Relevant Sepsis Research

After years of PETA efforts, NIH is finally pushing applicants seeking grant money to focus on modern, superior methods of sepsis research instead of on flawed animal experiments.

Japan’s Largest Flavor Company Ends Crude Animal Tests!

You wouldn’t think that flavors and aromas added to foods would be tested on animals. And with PETA’s efforts, fewer and fewer of them are.

© Oleg
‘Sit. Stay. Beg for Mercy.’ See PETA’s Bold New Blow to TAMU.

PETA is igniting a media firestorm in the Lone Star State in our latest blow to Texas A&M University’s abusive and deadly dog lab.

PETA Does it Again! Macy’s Finally Ends All Fur Sales

No one can outlast PETA and our activists. After decades of protests, eye-catching demos, and hundreds of thousands of other actions, Macy’s has gone fur-free.

See the PETA Video Billie Eilish Told Her 40 Million Followers to Watch

With a little help from PETA and P!nk, Billie Eilish exposed her Instagram followers to the horrendous, hidden cruelty in the wool industry.

PETA Praises School That Once Sewed Monkey’s Eyes Shut for Using Stem Cells

PETA exposed how UC-Riverside experimenters sewed a monkey’s eyes shut. Now, the school is helping to develop groundbreaking non-animal tests.

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