Since When Is Slamming a Terrified Pig to the Ground Kid-Friendly Entertainment?

The Bandera Ham Rodeo exemplifies how speciesism causes humans to treat animals inhumanely for cheap thrills, and PETA needs your help to end it now.

Unparalleled Suffering
PETA’s Easy Guide to Helping Barn Owls Get By in Life

Many human activities place barn owls in danger. But there’s hope! Here are some simple things we can do to protect these interesting individuals.

Big Victory! Pharma Giant Bristol-Myers Squibb Bans Near-Drowning Test

Under PETA pressure, Bristol-Myers Squibb has confirmed that it has banned making small animals swim for their lives.

The Link Between Wildfires and Slaughterhouses: Climate Change

Everything about Australia’s current fate seems apocalyptic in scale. More than a billion charred, dead animals litter the land.

CityNews Toronto | YouTube
Animal Companions
Tiny Spends Her First Night Indoors and 20 Other Fieldwork Moments

Lonely, chained dogs in Halifax County, North Carolina, got some good news this month: There’s a new tethering ordinance. Find out what else PETA was up to in December.

VIDEO: Man Saves Dog’s Life After Leash Gets Caught in Moving Elevator

“Before I knew it the dog got launched into the air and I jumped into action,” said the man who rescued the pup. Please, always pay attention to your animal companions.

How Does PETA End Animal Tests? Just Read Our 2019 Recap to Find Out

We’re starting 2020 with hope, because last year, we saved millions of living individuals who were being tormented and ultimately killed in laboratories.

© Pazhiltseva
SeaWorld’s ‘Orca Encounter’ News Is an Exercise in Smoke and Mirrors

“One Ocean”? “Orca Encounter”? It doesn’t matter what SeaWorld calls it—to the orcas who will still be forced to perform in shows, captivity is captivity.

L.A. DA Agrees With PETA: More Must Be Done to Stop Horse-Racing Deaths

PETA’s efforts have led to groundbreaking changes to protect horses—and we’re not finished. There must be zero deaths. Nothing else is acceptable.

Progress for Rabbits and Horseshoe Crabs Used in Painful Fever Test

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration still requires companies to use painful pyrogen tests. But thanks to a new report, things could change.

SeaWorld Wouldn’t Help Tilikum—Urge It to Help His Son Kyuquot

An early, miserable death in a concrete tank could be Kyuquot’s and other captive orcas’ fate—unless SeaWorld ends its decades of animal torment and empties its tanks.

No Disney Ending for Dogs Used in ‘Togo’

People who care about dogs should be angry at the filmmakers behind Disney’s “Togo.”

Longtime PETA Target Karl Lagerfeld Brand Finally Bans Fur!

It’s a victory that was decades in the making: The Karl Lagerfeld brand—whose founder adamantly defended the killing of animals for fashion—has finally banned fur.

Bristol-Myers Squibb Shareholder, PETA Take on Big Pharma in Boardroom

A Bristol-Myers Squibb shareholder is joining PETA in going to bat for some of the smallest animals, demanding that the company end the forced swim test.

From Dogs to Pelicans: Unforgettable PETA Rescue Stories From 2019

PETA and our supporters are an unstoppable force for animals. Here are just a few of our favorite rescue stories from the past year.

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