Rescued! Watch As a Dog Trapped in a Well Is Rescued Just in Time

PETA’s friends at Animal Rahat sprang into action after being alerted to a scared, weak dog trapped in a deep well. Here’s how you can support the group’s lifesaving work in India.

Coronavirus Vaccine: NIH Isn’t Waiting for Pointless Animal Tests

The first human trial of a vaccine that could protect against COVID-19 has begun—without lengthy tests on animals being done first. Here’s why this is good news for ALL beings.

Chrysler Dealership Is 3rd Major Sponsor to Cut Ties With Iditarod This Month

We e-mailed, we picketed, we smashed cars, we refused to back down, and WE. DID. IT. Chrysler has confirmed that its Anchorage dealership will finally cut ties with the Iditarod.

American Red Cross’ Latest Lifesaving Move: Banning Leather Gloves

PETA urged the American Red Cross to consider cows’ lives in its lifesaving flood and fire kits, and the organization and its leather-free glove initiative didn’t let us down.

Watch as Animal Rahat Helps a Scared Mother Cow Limping in Pain

Limping in pain, this scared mother cow didn’t know what to do to alleviate her agony. That’s when our friends at Animal Rahat answered a call for help.

In the Dead of Winter, PETA Helped Animals When No One Else Would

Could you live outdoors in the winter, wet and muddy in near-freezing temperatures? Check out these photos of animals PETA aided in February.

Victory! These Tethering Bills Will Prevent Dogs From Dying on Chains

This PETA-backed legislation ends dog tethering during extreme temperatures and severe weather. The minimum length of a tether will also increase.

The 2020 Iditarod Is Over, but PETA’s Fight for Dogs Continues

Read a roundup of horrific incidents that occurred during the 2020 Iditarod, and find out how you can join PETA in taking action for dogs.

Were Baby Chickens’ Legs Cut Off for Your Easter Eggs?

“If the speed of the knives is incorrectly adjusted, it is not uncommon to see chicks just with their legs cut but still alive.”

It’s Not Too Late for Dogs Cannoli, Lucilla, and Varinia at Texas A&M

Thanks to our unrelenting campaign and supporters like you, Lucilla, Varinia, and Cheddar have been adopted. Take action now for the remaining 25 dogs in Texas A&M University’s lab.

As Taiji Slaughter Closes, How Many Dolphins Were Killed or Kidnapped?

This is what money spent on “swim with dolphins” attractions funds.

Horse Forced to Pull Carriages in Central Park Collapses, Prompting Protests

Heartbreaking video footage shows a horse used by the carriage industry collapsing in Central Park and then being dragged onto a trailer. 💔

Longtime Iditarod Sponsor Alaska Airlines Cuts Ties With Cruel, Deadly Race

We’re flying high over this airline’s decision to end its Iditarod sponsorship.

© Zotov
Hey There, Delilah—You’re a Queen Who Needs a Loving Family

This 2-year-old sweetheart managed to survive living in a horrifically filthy hoarder’s home. If walks and cuddles are your jam, Delilah may be the girl for you.

‘Animalkind’: Listen to the Best Animal Rights Book of 2020

“Animalkind” is an Amazon bestseller, and celebrities are raving about it—and now, it’s available to everyone who’d rather read a book with their ears. Deykova
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