‘No One Needs to Kill to Eat’—but Shore Transit Doesn’t Want You to Know It

Does Shore Transit have a problem with PETA’s freedom of expression in our efforts to save animals? Judging by the agency’s refusal to run our latest ads, we’d say so.

Video: Racehorse Sustains Catastrophic Injury, Somersaults Head Over Heels

Five-year-old mare Shared Silence should never have been forced to race, something her trainer likely knew but ignored. Now, she’s dead—and PETA is demanding answers.

Boy Feeds Sheep, Contracts a Viral Illness ‘With Parallels to COVID-19’

Orf is one of the many reasons why raising sheep to be killed for wool and meat is dangerous. And it’s not the only viral zoonotic illness you can contract from sheep.

These 20 Celebrities Don’t F*ck With Cheese

It may be National Cheese Day, but these celebs are only interested in vegan options—because cheese from cows and other animals is gross.

Why Animal Rights Activists Must Stand Up for Black Lives

We in the animal rights movement know all too well how frustrating it is for people to scoff at our message, even with blatant evidence of injustice.

Delsol Productions
Here’s Why Cows Hate Humans Who Eat Cheese

We’re not here to split hairs. But for defensive cheese-eaters out there, you should know that the cheese industry is actually worse than the beef industry.

‘Animal Crossing’ Players Are Using Art to Speak Up for Animals

Whether you want to protest Blathers’ museum or you just want to rock some vegan swag, these Animal Crossing: New Horizons designs are must-haves.

Owls Are Being Tortured, Killed at Johns Hopkins for ADHD ‘Research’

Barn owls’ skulls are cut open and electrodes inserted into their brains—all so an experimenter can pretend he might learn about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in humans.

End N.Y. Horse Racing Bailouts to Save Schools, Hospitals Amid COVID-19

Racetrack casinos rake in hundreds of millions of dollars every year. In the face of COVID-19 cuts, the state should allocate funding elsewhere.

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Your ‘Humane Meat’ Is From a Factory Farm—and It’s Killing Us

If you think you’re eating “humane meat,” think again. Your meat is almost certainly from a factory farm, and it’s risking another deadly pandemic.

BREAKING: 21 North Carolina PetSmart Stores Told to Shape Up

Records show that a dog named Beethoven who developed an inflamed scrotum while being boarded at a PetSmart kennel wasn’t given veterinary care. His suffering must have been awful.

‘Tofu Never Caused a Pandemic’ Ad Offers Reality Check Amid Pandemic

Confining and slaughtering animals gave us COVID-19. So, what are you waiting for—a giant sign that you should go vegan? Well, in that case …

NYC Rife With Filthy Live-Animal Markets—PETA Says Close Them Today

Despite the obvious need to close live-animal markets to protect animals and human health, these filthy establishments in New York City are still open.

Hold JBS Accountable for Trampled Piglets, Mutilated Conscious Cows

How can we trust JBS to take safety measures to slow the COVID-19 pandemic when it’s apparently never cared about following the law?

Fred Willard Always Gave Animals the Last Laugh

Fred Willard was a hilarious actor who brought joy to so many. He worked with PETA for years and used his voice to speak up for even the tiniest of animals.

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