PETA Warned Grants Pass—Horse Dies After Racing in Deadly Heat

Horses are pushed to the limit every time they race, and the additional stress of skyrocketing temperatures can cause brain damage, heatstroke, and death.

BREAKING: Pigs Rescued From Slaughter in Activist Regan Russell’s Honor

Regan Russell spent her last moments outside a slaughterhouse, showing kindness to doomed pigs. See how PETA is honoring her life and how you, too, can turn pain into action.

WATCH: 7 Seconds Prove Big Cats Suffer at ‘Tiger King’ Roadside Zoo

New footage shows young lions’ ears covered with biting flies and likely maggots at Jeff Lowe–operated G.W. Zoo. Big cats deserve better—this roadside zoo must be shut down NOW.

Happy Pride Month! PETA Latino Celebrates Animal-Friendly LGBTQ Celebs

PETA Latino highlights the LGBTQ celebrities making an impact for animal rights.

New Documents Reveal: Monkeys’ Skulls Cut Open With Your Tax Dollars

PETA filed a federal complaint after new documents revealed in gory detail the painful, isolated lives of monkeys imprisoned in Elisabeth Murray’s lab.

A Robotic Dolphin to Replace Captive Ones? Sign SeaWorld Up

Dolphins used in “swim with dolphins” encounters live in misery. But these visionary designers are throwing exploited dolphins a lifeline—in the form of a robotic counterpart.

If These ‘Nemeses’ Can Collab on Seaside Sanctuary, What’s SeaWorld’s Holdup?

If an Australian marine park can stop breeding dolphins and join forces with animal rights activists to build a seaside sanctuary, SeaWorld can, too. NO. MORE. EXCUSES.

© SAHA Design Practice
Bogotá Completely Restricts Bullfights

Bogotá’s City Council approved a logical measure stating that there will be no more bloodshed and death inside Bogotá’s bullring. Bullfights, with no public funding, have no future.

© clemares expósito
It’ll Take You Less Than 18 Seconds to Help These 18 Dogs Trapped at Texas A&M

Misguided efforts, dried-up funding, zero insight gained—why is Texas A&M University STILL holding dogs from its notorious canine muscular dystrophy laboratory prisoner?

PETA Condemns Hostile Man Who Threw Live Pig at Animal Rights Activists

The cruel incident of animal abuse took place at a demonstration outside Glen’s Packing Co.—a slaughterhouse in Hallettsville, Texas.

Texas Animal Freedom Fighters
7 Facts About Sea Turtles to Make You Value Their Lives More Than Ever

Renowned world travelers, sea turtles—whose brains likely contain navigation crystals—lead complex lives that will fascinate you. Parent Company Under Fire for Ignoring San Francisco Fur Ban

Animals on fur farms are confined to cramped, filthy wire cages and eventually killed. Displaying new fur products for sale is wrong—and in San Francisco, it’s illegal.

Broken Bones, New Families—Animals Who Need Help Count on PETA Fieldworkers

It’s often the case that the only food, clean water, or loving touch that these animals ever receive comes from PETA’s dedicated field team.

Man Tortures, Kills Hamsters He Says He Bought at PetSmart

PetSmart sells helpless animals to anyone who can pay. The chain reportedly sold vulnerable hamsters to someone who tortured and killed them.

Paul McCartney’s Birthday Wish: ‘Watch My PETA Video and Ditch Meat’

Paul McCartney has a message for fans on the 10-year anniversary of his memorable PETA video “Glass Walls”—click to find out what it is.

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