COVID-19 Is the Latest Reason Why Wildlife Trafficking Must Stop

Trafficking animals—like similar trades in drugs, weapons, and humans—is a huge criminal moneymaker that puts countless lives at risk.

Johns Hopkins Owl Torture Tests: Confirmed Useless, Apparently Illegal

Cutting into owls’ skulls, screwing devices onto their heads, poking around in their exposed brains—Shreesh Mysore does this and more, despite admitting the tests could be rubbish.

Still Eat Chicken? Hear What This Former Tyson Chicken Farmer Has to Say

Chickens freezing to death on transport trucks, dead birds lining the road like a twisted version of Hansel and Gretel’s breadcrumbs—if you eat chicken, THIS is what you support.

Officials Shut Down Illegal Tiger Exhibit on Its Opening Day, Thanks to PETA

It’s unethical to confine tigers to small trailers and haul them all over the place just for selfies. This year, there won’t be any such photo ops at the Cowtown Fair in Fort Worth, Texas.

5,000 Dogs, Other Animals Likely Bought Online Found Dead in Shipping Boxes

“It was like a living hell,” said one witness. “[T]he entire place reek[ed] of rotting bodies.”

Police Footage Reveals Pigs Suffering at Tyson Facility—PETA Seeks Charges

A renderer admitted that one pig “probably should be euthanized” but that Tyson was trying to sell the animal in an attempt to make “five bucks.”

GRAPHIC: Horses Killed, Dumped on Bike Trail in Los Angeles County

It’s sickening to consider the pain and fear of these horses’ final moments, and PETA is calling on officials to be transparent and to throw the book at their killers.

VICTORY: Nordstrom Bans Fur and Exotic Skins!

Nearly 100,000 PETA supporters wrote to Nordstrom urging it to do better—and it worked! So many animals will be saved now that the company has banned fur and exotic skins.

France Ends Mink Farming, Dolphinariums, and the Use of Animals in Circuses

Thanks to activists like you, France has just ushered in a new compassionate era with three huge victories for animals suffering in captivity.

Former Starbucks Barista Roasts Company in Open Letter for Vegan Milk Surcharge

First, she won the Starbucks Barista Championship, and now, she’s urging the company to lose its vegan milk surcharge—for animals, the environment, and public health.

‘If I Could Give Zero Stars, I Would’—Here’s What Visitors Had to Say After Visiting SeaQuest Aquariums

If it were possible to give zero-star reviews online, THESE horrified SeaQuest visitors would likely have done so. See what they had to say.

A Fresh Start: PETA Rescues Nala, Siblings From ‘Tiger King’ Hellhole

PETA just rescued three juvenile lions from Jeff Lowe’s G.W. Park—and we’re not done coming for the “Tiger King” villain and his animal-exploiting associates.

New Jersey Racing Commission Shows Up All Others, Passes Whipping Ban

Historic: The New Jersey Racing Commission is the first U.S. jurisdiction to ban whipping to make horses run faster—and PETA is urging every other racing state to follow suit.

PETA Partners With Black-Owned Vegan Brands to Celebrate TV’s Big Night

We’re putting the “nom” in “nominee” by giving some of TV’s biggest stars a decadent snack bag with treats from wonderful Black-owned vegan businesses!

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Appalling Visitor Reviews These Roadside Zoos Don’t Want You to See

Visitors, beware! Read these shocking reviews from disgruntled people who wish they’d never bought a ticket to a dingy roadside zoo.

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