Want to Prevent Future Pandemics? PETA’s Holiday Ad Blitz Shows How!

With these festive and timely ads, PETA reminds everyone that tofu never caused a pandemic. Here’s why we’re urging you to go vegan this holiday season.

20 Times PETA Smashed Experiments and Saved Animals in 2020

2020 may have blown chunks, but PETA gutted animal testing like never before! Relive 20 of our favorite victories from this year that saved millions of animals.

© iStock.com/olgagorovenko
There’s No Monkey Shortage for COVID-19 Experiments Because NO Monkeys Are Needed

In this powerful op-ed, PETA adviser Dr. Lisa Jones-Engel says that despite experimenters’ whining, monkey-tested vaccines repeatedly fail in humans.

‘Guinea Pig’ and ‘COVID Vaccine’ Don’t Belong in the Same Sentence

Humans can consent to being tested on—guinea pigs can’t. So to the news outlets perpetuating speciesism, we’ve got some news, too: Words matter—stop using anti-animal language!

USDA Says Sick Chickens Could Be Sold; PETA Says Time to Go Vegan Is Now

This new rule from the Trump administration is anything but safe. Here’s why the USDA must stop allowing the sale of diseased chicken flesh.

Animal Companions
5 Things to Consider Before Adopting a Dog During the Pandemic

After months of social distancing and lockdowns, more and more people are adopting dogs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s one PETA staffer’s experience.

VIDEO: ‘You’re Required to Hang 28 Birds a Minute,’ Tyson Whistleblower Says

When you’re made to slaughter more than 12,000 birds per shift—knowing that if your kill rate comes up short you’ll be reprimanded—social distancing tends to be “impossible.”

WATCH: Vegan Gastroenterologist Explains the Link Between Pandemics and Meat

Vegan gastroenterologist Dr. Angie Sadeghi knows that the best way to prevent future pandemics is to watch what we eat. Check out her new video with PETA.

COVID-19 Is the Latest Reason Why Wildlife Trafficking Must Stop

Trafficking animals—like similar trades in drugs, weapons, and humans—is a huge criminal moneymaker that puts countless lives at risk.

© iStock.com/ewg3D
Epic Fail: Desperate Monkey Experimenters Try to Justify Their Own Existence

As modern science moves away from archaic and cruel tests on animals, experimenters are getting desperate. You won’t believe their latest desperate ploy for attention.

Officials Shut Down Illegal Tiger Exhibit on Its Opening Day, Thanks to PETA

It’s unethical to confine tigers to small trailers and haul them all over the place just for selfies. This year, there won’t be any such photo ops at the Cowtown Fair in Fort Worth, Texas.

Don’t Let Your Masks Harm Animals! How to Dispose of Them Responsibly

Masks aren’t going away anytime soon. The good news? We can all take a little extra care to make sure they don’t hurt fellow animals.

© iStock.com/tataks
PETA Delivers 4 Tons of Vegan Food to Hunger Relief Program

PETA partnered with Plant Based Foods, Inc., to donate hearty vegan frozen meals and other items to communities in need. You can help, too!

Coronavirus Sent Around the World? Traces Detected on Meat Packaging

Although they’re virus hotspots and infected workers have died, slaughterhouses’ coronavirus responses have been weak. So are traces of the virus on meat packages surprising?

Lolita: 52 Years Ago TODAY, I Was Abducted From My Ocean Home

“It’s been 52 years since I was captured—five decades of a living nightmare. Please help me—on my next anniversary, I should be in a sanctuary, not the world’s smallest orca tank.”

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