PETA Sues Feds Over Ringling Permits

PETA has joined Animal Defenders International in filing a lawsuit against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) for illegally issuing permits allowing the Ringling Bros. circus to export endangered tigers and elephants for use in its shows anywhere at any time for the next three years! How Do You Spell ‘Rubber Stamp’? F-W-S FWS … Read more »

Alec Baldwin to USDA: Seize the Elephants

“As a lifelong Democrat, I never thought I’d lead an effort to defend the symbol of the Republican Party,” writes Alec Baldwin in a letter to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. Baldwin is sending Vilsack the video he hosted for PETA exposing Ringling Bros.’ abuse of animals and asking … Read more »

Jada Pinkett Smith Wants Bullhook Ban Enforced

In advance of the Ringling Bros. circus’ stop in Baltimore later this month, Jada Pinkett Smith, a proud native of Charm City, has written to Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake urging her to make sure that the city’s absolute ban on the use of any “mechanical, electrical, or manual device that is likely to cause physical injury … Read more »

The Week in PETA (Feb. 17, 2012)

Poignant words on when animals die, sticking it to Ringling and its torture sticks, and a treat for extreme couponers: It’s everything you might have missed this week. PETA News on Tumblr PETA’s Tumblr page keeps you up to date on all the latest animal news. What new honor did Charlotte’s Web snag? A charity … Read more »

Photo: Ringling’s Chilly Reception in Atlanta

Ringling Bros. might have gotten a reprieve from the bullhook ban in Fulton County, Georgia (claiming it can’t have elephants without the weapons), for the moment, but The Cruelest Show on Earth couldn’t escape the throngs of people who showed up to protest on its opening day. Armed with a bullhorn, posters, leaflets, a flat-screen … Read more »

Ringling Challenges Atlanta Bullhook Ban

In June, the Board of Commissioners of Fulton County, Georgia, at the urging of PETA, Demi Moore, local citizens, and other animal advocates, banned the use of bullhooks, fireplace poker–like goads that are used to beat and hook elephants in sensitive areas of their bodies in order to make them obey commands. This meant that … Read more »

How to Save Animals with Social Media

Do you sometimes get down in the dumps about cruelty to animals? Me too. But to change that, we need to be gung-ho go-getters, not teary-eyed tissue-wetters. And it has never been easier to initiate changes for animals without even leaving home. Getting active online takes just a few clicks of the mouse, and since … Read more »

Lawsuit Forces FWS to Follow the Law

dogrango | cc by 2.0 It took a PETA lawsuit to compel the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) to change course, but after three decades of secretly and illegally issuing hundreds of Endangered Species Act (ESA) permits to circuses, roadside zoos, and other animal exploiters, the FWS will change its ways. The permits—called “captive-bred … Read more »

Spanish City Says ‘Adi

The town of Molins de Rei has joined more than 60 other Spanish cities that have enacted bans against circuses that use animals. Our colleagues at Asociación Animalista Libera received overwhelming support from city officials after pointing out that animals in circuses live in cramped cages and are beaten with bullhooks and whips in order … Read more »

Relief for Elephant After Six Decades

rainbirder | cc by 2.0 After being used by a circus in Chile for nearly six decades, Ramba, a female elephant who spent her off-hours living in a parking lot, has been transferred to a safari park, thanks to the efforts of local residents who fought for her release. Ramba is being treated by an … Read more »

All I Really Need to Know I Learned at a Demo

When Ringling brought “The Cruelest Show on Earth” to Tampa Bay, Florida, this week, it was met with a hardy crowd of animal protection advocates—and a group that was a bit, well, shorter. Children showed up to protest Ringling with handmade signs depicting elephants who were beaten and proclaiming, “Kids Know Better.” Out of the … Read more »

Hello, My Name Is

Has anyone ever told you that ending animal abuse is your middle name? Meet a man for whom fighting cruelty is his first, middle, and last name. PETA Foundation staffer Dan Carron has legally changed his name to As he admired his new driver’s license, we asked him what he thinks life will be … Read more »

A Little Bird Told Us … Hollywood Gossip

Quite a few longtime PETA friends and faves were among the celebs who told the Associated Press about their animal-oriented New Year’s resolutions, including Bob Barker (“To continue urging folks to have their pets spayed and neutered—including rabbits.”), Lea Michele (“I wish that [my cat] Sheila would stop going into my bathroom, taking out all … Read more »

Celebrity Scoop From Behind the Scenes

Courtesy of Lelah Foster Having a celebrity as the face of an animal rights campaign has helped PETA achieve huge victories. For instance, vocal protests by Sir Paul McCartney and Alicia Silverstone helped convince NASA not to blast squirrel monkeys with harmful doses of radiation. Celebrities such as Olivia Munn and Sarah Silverman have helped … Read more »

Lame Elephants Still on the Road

The record penalty paid by Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus for violations of federal animal welfare laws has so far made no difference for the lame and suffering elephants the circus forces to travel and perform for months at a time. So PETA has sent an urgent appeal to the U.S. Department of … Read more »

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