Ringling Slammed by Largest Protest in New York History

Because of the throngs of people who had gathered outside to protest, it was hard to spot those who were trickling into Brooklyn’s Barclays Center on Ringling Bros. circus’s opening night. More than 200 animal advocates came together to make sure that Ringling’s reception was chillier than a New York winter. While half the group … Read more »

Chicago to Crack Down on Circus Cruelty?

Following multiple investigation requests from PETA, the Chicago Inspector General (IG) launched a probe of the city’s regulation of circuses and other animal exhibitors. Now, the IG has released its report, with recommended changes to licensing and permitting procedures. Behind-the-Scenes Scandal at Ringling Public records about Chicago’s inspections of the notoriously inhumane Ringling Bros. circus in November … Read more »

Ex-USDA Lawyer Employed by Ringling

PETA is calling for an investigation by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) inspector general following the departure of the agency’s former deputy general counsel, Kenneth Vail—the man who was tasked with enforcing animal protection regulations for the USDA and who has now taken a job with the Ringling Bros. circus, which is counted among … Read more »

PETA to L.A. Mayor: Release Ringling Records

PETA has asked the Los Angeles Mayor’s Office to immediately release records related to the city’s decision to allow the Ringling Bros. circus to force ailing elephants to perform during its recent stint at the Staples Center despite expert advice to the contrary and despite apparently breaching the city’s own laws. Sound Advice When Ringling … Read more »

USDA Investigates Ringling Cruelty

Update: PETA has just received word that following its submission of evidence of this cruel beating to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the agency’s Investigative and Enforcement Services has opened a formal investigation into the matter. Originally posted June 15: A security guard has reported that an animal attendant with Ringling Bros. and Barnum & … Read more »

Morrissey Sticks It to Ringling Onstage

While every Morrissey show is darkly entertaining, every Ringling show, with its behind-the-scenes elephant beatings, is just plain dark. So when Moz played Boston right as Ringling was rolling into town, he gave his bandmates PETA’s “Ringling Beats Animals” tees to wear and gave Ringling the big middle drumstick: © FilmMagic Morrissey knows that true … Read more »

Obama and PETA ‘Elephant’ Do ‘the Wave’

One thing wasn’t up for debate last night—PETA’s “elephant” turned almost as many heads at the presidential debate as the motorcades did. President Barack Obama read the elephant’s sign and responded with a wave. Mitt Romney likely got the message, too, as he passed by twice. Fox News pundit Juan Williams took our circus leaflet … Read more »

Anaheim, Speak Up for Elephants! (Updated)

The following was originally posted on September 25, 2012.  Update: Because of a change in the council’s agenda, a vote was not held on the 25th. Please keep watching The PETA Files for further details. This is exciting: Today, the City of Anaheim will consider banning the use of exotic animals in traveling exhibitions—including circuses! Ringling Bros. … Read more »

PETA Elephant Tails President’s Trail

As President Obama hits the road, he’s finding himself dogged by an elephant. PETA is asking Mr. Obama to direct the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to start confiscating these abused animals, who are so cruelly trained and treated by Ringling Bros. and other circuses. Circus Cruelty Is Bull(hooks) In fact, in the circus, abuse … Read more »

Ringling Boycott: West Coast Represent!

Imagine you’re cruising down the Pacific Coast Highway, ragtop down, enjoying the Golden State sunshine. You flip on the radio and hear, “This next dedication goes out to Ringling: ‘Shut Down’ by the Beach Boycotts!” This little mental vacation was prompted by news that a coalition of California humane societies has joined PETA in calling … Read more »

Sharon Osbourne Joins Fur Protest

Sharon Osbourne told Intermix to get fur out of the mix when she helped Fur Free Los Angeles with a demonstration outside the store. And the host of The Talk isn’t all talk—she donated her old furs to PETA several years ago and has been an anti-fur advocate ever since. Miranda Cosgrove might not be … Read more »

Photo: Why Cats Make Bad Editors

Who says cats can’t edit? PETA’s office cats Marshall and Bubbles seem to think that our Ringling slogan needs a rewrite. As far as we’re concerned, this is as close as cats should ever get to Ringling.

Update: Atlanta Guts Bullhook Ban

Update: The Atlanta City Council voted to prevent the use of bullhooks but only when it can be proved beyond a reasonable doubt that they were used in a specific instance to “discipline” an elephant and that the elephant’s skin was broken, scarred, or otherwise damaged as a result. This is a step backward from … Read more »

Photo: Bondage Under the Big Top

Whips, cuffs, collars, bondage, and beatings: E.L. James’ best-selling novel reads like a circus trainer’s handbook. But unlike the consenting couple in the book, elephants in circuses don’t have a choice when it comes to being dominated. And if beating elephants into submission and forcing them to perform painful acts isn’t 50 shades of wrong, … Read more »

City Cancels Ringling’s Scheduled Shows

Update: Rather than follow in Rio Rancho’s compassionate footsteps, the New Mexico State Fair has decided to allow Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus to perform on the state fairgrounds from June 1 to 3 despite Ringling’s long history of animal abuse and the vocal opposition of many citizens. You can express your disagreement with … Read more »

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