The Smoking Gun? Ringling Has Had Tuberculosis-Infected Elephants on the Road

Ringling’s elephant act phase-out pledge came two days after PETA obtained documents showing a potential serious health risk to workers—and to the public.

12 Celebrity Reactions to Ringling’s Big Announcement

A look at what celebrities are saying about Ringling phasing out the use of elephants!

Victory! Ringling Phasing Out Elephant Performances, but Should Elephants Spend 3 More Years in Boxcars?

Ringling agrees to pull elephants from performing by 2018, but why wait so long?

Schoolchildren Get a Lesson About Circus Cruelty

Students learn about what happens to elephants behind the scenes in circuses.

Photo of the Day: Tiny Ballerinas Lead Cutest Ringling Protest Ever

Those nearing Brooklyn’s Barclays Center likely did a pirouette as a troupe of tiny ballerinas led more than 100 animal advocates in a protest against Ringling.

Photo by Cynthia King
It’s Indisputable: Bullhooks Are on the Way Out

Austin becomes the latest city to tackle circus cruelty.

Two Ailing Elephants Still Doing Tricks for Ringling

Aching feet are a serious matter for elephants forced to travel with and perform for Ringling.

Live-Tweeting of Circus Highlights Cruelty Under the Bright Lights

Ringling Bros. circus gets quite a shock when PETA live-tweets a performance in order to help put the spotlight on animal abuse.

Come One, Come All … Anyone?

Are the days of jamming animals in boxcars and cages finally coming to an end?

What Do Roadside Zoos, SeaWorld, and Ringling Have in Common?

PETA’s Captive Animal Law Enforcement division has been very busy, tackling Ringling, SeaWorld, and some really awful roadside zoos.

Victory! Mexico City Finalizes Ban on Animals in Circuses

Following campaigns by PETA and others, Mexico City is telling circuses that force animals to perform that the show must not go on.

Victory! Los Angeles Bans Cruel Bullhooks

The Los Angeles City Council sends a strong message to elephant abusers, leaving circuses scrambling and elefriends celebrating.

Caught on Camera: Vet Sees Likely Bullhook Boil on Ringling Baby Elephant

When Ringling invited a camera crew to its “Center for Elephant Conservation” in a bid to convince people that the animals aren’t abused, the plan backfired.

Ringling Elephant Shot: PETA Says, ‘Look Closely!’

Police are investigating the shooting of an elephant used by Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. The incident reportedly occurred outside the Bancorp South Arena in Tupelo, Mississippi, early on the morning of April 9. Knowing Ringling’s shady history when it comes to animals (some years ago, a trainer traveling with Ringling shot a … Read more »

Arena Employee Alleges Ringling Bullhook Abuse

Less than a year after a security guard reported the abuse of a chained elephant by a bullhook-wielding Ringling Bros. circus handler in Colorado, an employee at Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum—a venue where PETA captured Ringling bullhook use on video as part of a 2009 undercover investigation—has reported more bullhook abuse during Ringling’s March 2013 tour there.   PETA’s … Read more »

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