477 Years of Suffering

animalrights.about / CC That’s the grand total of years that the 18 elephants used and abused by two of Ringling’s touring units have been forced to endure beatings, chaining, and standing in cramped, sweltering boxcars. If you break that down, Ringling has tormented just these elephants—they have dozens more—for a total of 5,724 months, 24,804 … Read more »

Sorry Chuy … Chelsea Handler Has a New Love Nugget!

As a dedicated Chelsea Lately fan, I was thrilled last night when Chelsea Handler opened her show with the announcement that she had adopted a mutt she has named Chunk from an animal shelter.     Chelsea has joined the growing list of celebrities who are showing the world that the era of the “purse … Read more »

Tire Giant Asked to Roll Out PETA’s Anti-Obesity Ad

Does the Michelin tire company promote obesity? I’m starting to think so. Consider the Michelin Man: He’s a friendly fellow, but, oh, those unsightly rolls! The tire giant also owns Detroit’s iconic roadside landmark, the Giant Tire—a possible shout-out to the dreaded spare tire? We’ll soon find out if there’s any truth to my theory. … Read more »

‘My Name Is Earl’ Star Disgusted by Ringling

Check out this stellar tweet from My Name Is Earl star Ethan Suplee:   channel14 / CC   Way to spread the word, Ethan! Written by Shawna Flavell

Help Shame Ringling Into Extinction

This is it, people! The circus industry is built on masking animal torture as family fun—and it’s time to force that industry to crumble. As you may know, this week PETA broke our latest undercover investigation into Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. With the powerful footage obtained by our investigator, we are closer … Read more »

Undercover: Meet PETA’s Investigative Team

Today we released a new investigation inside Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus that shows workers on video as they beat and whipped elephants dozens of times in venues across the country. It’s an investigation that I helped work on. Once investigators capture video from an investigation, my job is to review all the … Read more »

Q: Which Hollywood Film Director Is Anti-Ringling?

parallax-view / CC A: The Wrestler director Darren Aronofsky! That’s right, the man best known for his portrayal of human suffering in movies such as the award-winning The Wrestler is now focusing on a different type of suffering … elephant suffering. As a Brooklyn native, when Darren learned that notorious elephant abuser Ringling Bros. and … Read more »

I Want Off the Train … Next Stop. Now!

Wow! Shepard Smith of The Fox Report went on a rant about how Americans will not tolerate torture, declaring, “We are America. We don’t torture. And the moment that is not the case, I want off the train.” I’d like to believe that he was speaking out against the abuse of elephants in circuses, who … Read more »

Tiger Gets Revenge on Ringmaster

What do the tigers say when Ringling’s trainers get too close? Let us prey. Zing! Well, this week, PETA’s touring “tiger” acted out that devious desire for payback. In Rochester, New York, our “tiger” broke out of his cage and shoved his “ringmaster” in—giving her a taste of her own medicine for our first-ever Tiger’s … Read more »

Ringling’s Head Honcho in Hot Water

As the highly anticipated trial concerning the abuse of elephants by Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus rolls on, Kenneth Feld, the head of the company that owns the evil Ringling empire, has taken the stand. On Tuesday, the multimillionaire CEO spewed his slick half-truths about how Ringling’s elephants live (they live in cramped … Read more »

Shackled, Lonely, Beaten

Once again our band of beautiful activists braved the winter weather to throw an eye-catching unwelcome party for circuses all across the South. The attention garnered by their loveliness was directed at the ugly circus industry. Using abuse to force majestic elephants and big cats into performing humiliating tricks is depraved. That fact that circuses … Read more »

Victory! Elephants: 2, Ringling: 0

knoxnews / CC This has been a good week for elephants. Here’s why: When Ringling rolls into town, it often tries to partner with local businesses to promote the circus and give out tickets for free or at discounted prices (probably because fewer and fewer people actually buy them nowadays). Well, PETA is always right … Read more »

Ho Ho Ho, PETA Activists Are Coming to Town!

With shopping season in full swing, PETA volunteers and campaigners are out there braving the cold. Check out photos of some of our recent attention-getting demos below: In Massachusetts, PETA’s “Grim Reapers” descended on Donna Karan’s storefront and dragged bloodied furs through the streets of Boston. Taunting the heartless designer to “bring out her dead,” … Read more »

PETA’s Road Warriors

Our fearless campaigners have been hard at work exposing cruelty to animals—and sometimes quite a bit of themselves—all across the country! A Lowe’s in San Diego received a visit from a bikini-clad “mouse,” who lay in front of the store on her own glue trap. In case you didn’t know, Lowe’s still sells hideously cruel … Read more »

Elephant Cruelty: Your Government Inaction

It seems that some circus industry folks—including Feld Entertainment, Ringling’s parent company—have donated more than $40,000to certain Chicago aldermen and their respective ward organizations in an apparent attempt to derail efforts to pass an ordinance to prevent some of the worst cruelty that is inflicted on elephantsin circuses. And—what do you know?—a large amount of … Read more »

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