Ringling Kills Runaway Zebra

Yesterday, Ringling announced that it had euthanized Lima, the 12-year-old zebra who ran amok for 40 minutes in Atlanta after he escaped from the circus last month. According to a statement released by the circus, numerous medical treatments failed to repair the damage to the zebra’s hooves.     Shortly after Lima escaped, PETA called … Read more »

Athens’ Acropolis: a Monument to Vegans?

Plato said, “The gods created certain kinds of beings to replenish our bodies … they are the trees and the plants and the seeds.” Now, PETA Germany has the perfect ad for Athens’ Acropolis—an ad that, if erected, would honor the city’s compassionate legacy while helping Greece end its financial woes:     Greek philosophers … Read more »

Absolutely Delicious: NBA Pro’s Vegan Fast

What is fur-hating Phoenix Suns forward Amar’e Stoudemire’s recipe for end-of-season-success? A four-day vegan fast, which he says will “purify my body, and get my body in top shape ….”     I’m sure that the former NBA Rookie of the Year’s foray into animal-free cuisine will improve his physical and mental wellness by leaps … Read more »

Rabbits Rescued From Rib Restaurant

PETA recently received a call about more than 20 rabbits who were crowded into a junk-filled outdoor enclosure at the back entrance of a barbecue joint in Oregon. The restaurant’s excuse for the cruel captivity? For the kids to play with, they said. But there was nothing kid- or rabbit-friendly about the squalid setup or … Read more »

School Officials Enlightened About Pet Shop Cruelty

Eden II, a Staten Island school for autistic children, recently lost some electronics and rubber duckies to burglars, but it’s the theft of Star, the school’s hamster, that has students crying and losing sleep. In an effort to nix any notion about getting a “replacement” for Star, our TeachKind reps have reached out to Eden … Read more »

What’s Elephant for ‘Ringling Beats Animals’?

oxox / CC by SA 2.0 We already know that elephants in the wild lead rich emotional lives, but recent findings about elephant brainpower and a “secret” language of low-frequency sounds have me wondering what these clever animals gossip about in the wild, and I’m going to have nightmares tonight about what the elephants who … Read more »

Elephant Runs Amok at Ringling Pre-Show

An apparently agitated elephant reportedly charged into the arena during Ringling’s afternoon pre-show in Columbia, South Carolina, on Saturday, endangering about 100 spectators. Most attendees hurried away from the scene, and luckily, no one was injured, but the potential exists for injury or death when elephants rampage. Since 1990, dangerous incidents involving captive elephants in … Read more »

Baby Barack Suffering From Deadly Virus: PETA Files Complaint With USDA

elephantcenter / CC Barack, the baby Asian elephant, wasn’t even 1 year old when he made his Ringling “debut” last month. Now Barack has been removed from traveling with the circus, and PETA has confirmed that he has contracted a herpes virus infection that may cost him his life. Death from the herpes virus usually … Read more »

PETA Celebrates Black History Month

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. —Martin Luther King Jr. Countless prominent African Americans throughout history have used their influence to stand up for animals, and this month we celebrate their inspiring efforts. Civil rights leader Coretta Scott King extended her kindness toward humans to animals by going vegan. The late comedian Richard … Read more »

Victory! St. Lucie County Says ‘No Bullhooks Allowed’ at Proposed Elephant Center

Great news! Thanks to pressure from PETA and kind readers who took action, the St. Lucie County Commission has voted unanimously to ban bullhooks from the proposed National Elephant Center (NEC).   elephant-photos / CC   A coalition of zoos plans to use the NEC to breed and temporarily house elephants from zoos that are … Read more »

Victory! Circus Sends Pachyderms Packing

Behold the power of the pen and the protest: Walker Bros. Circus has axed elephant acts from its lineup—and it seems that there’s little chance the pachyderms will return. A spokesperson told KeyNews.com that the circus has “basically done away with using exotic animals in the show because of the [animal rights] activists.”   ecology … Read more »

Ringling’s Treatment of Baby Elephants

The following is a guest post from Joyce Poole, co-founder of Elephant Voices—an organization whose aim is to increase awareness of the intelligence and wonder of elephants. Joyce has a Ph.D. in elephant behavior from Cambridge University and has studied the social behavior and communication of elephants for more than 30 years. She was an … Read more »

New York Times Features Full-Page Ringling Expose Ad

Sorry, Internet, but even as a blogger, I have to say that there’s no better way to start the morning than to get newsprint-smudged fingers as you flip through the Times. Actually, I stand corrected: The only thing more satisfying is opening up this morning’s New York Times to see an ad that exposes Ringling’s … Read more »

Ellie the Elephant Makes School Cool

PETA’s Ellie the Elephant can melt hearts of all ages. Need proof? Yesterday, during Ellie’s tour around the country to educate people about Ringling’s abuse of baby elephants, the kids in Nashville, Tennessee, rushed to hug Ellie when she visited their elementary school. When one student asked Ellie why she was wearing a bandage, Ellie … Read more »

Introducing ‘McDonald’s Mayhem’?

funpeak / CC Perez Hilton reported Monday that an Ohio woman got into a flap when she was told that McDonald’s was out of McNuggets—and was apparently arrested after she punched out the drive-thru window. This altercrazion* is just the latest in a recent rash of fights, stabbings, and shootings that have taken place at … Read more »

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