A Robotic Dolphin to Replace Captive Ones? Sign SeaWorld Up
A Robotic Dolphin to Replace Captive Ones? Sign SeaWorld Up

Dolphins used in “swim with dolphins” encounters live in misery. But these visionary designers are throwing exploited dolphins a lifeline—in the form of a robotic counterpart.

If These ‘Nemeses’ Can Collab on Seaside Sanctuary, What’s SeaWorld’s Holdup?
If These ‘Nemeses’ Can Collab on Seaside Sanctuary, What’s SeaWorld’s Holdup?

If an Australian marine park can stop breeding dolphins and join forces with animal rights activists to build a seaside sanctuary, SeaWorld can, too. NO. MORE. EXCUSES.

© SAHA Design Practice
Man Tortures, Kills Hamsters He Says He Bought at PetSmart
Man Tortures, Kills Hamsters He Says He Bought at PetSmart

PetSmart sells helpless animals to anyone who can pay. The chain reportedly sold vulnerable hamsters to someone who tortured and killed them.

PETA LAMBS Asks NIH’s Christian Director to End Nightmare for Monkeys
PETA LAMBS Asks NIH’s Christian Director to End Nightmare for Monkeys

PETA’s Christian outreach division is asking the director of the National Institutes of Health to let his faith guide whether to continue some of the cruelest and most pointless experiments.

Here’s Why Cows Hate Humans Who Eat Cheese
Here’s Why Cows Hate Humans Who Eat Cheese

We’re not here to split hairs. But for defensive cheese-eaters out there, you should know that the cheese industry is actually worse than the beef industry.

Let Us Know if You Purchased a Reptile Habitat That Didn’t Meet the Animal’s Most Basic Needs
Let Us Know if You Purchased a Reptile Habitat That Didn’t Meet the Animal’s Most Basic Needs

If you were misled into purchasing a snake or another habitat that didn’t meet the animal’s most basic needs, please contact us.

BREAKING: 21 North Carolina PetSmart Stores Told to Shape Up
BREAKING: 21 North Carolina PetSmart Stores Told to Shape Up

Records show that a dog named Beethoven who developed an inflamed scrotum while being boarded at a PetSmart kennel wasn’t given veterinary care. His suffering must have been awful.

URGENT: Help Keep These Animal Abusers Shut Down Post–COVID-19
URGENT: Help Keep These Animal Abusers Shut Down Post–COVID-19

Animal exploiters are nonessential—the coronavirus pandemic proves that the world can keep on turning without the torture and killing of animals.

BREAKING: PetSmart Stores Cited for 70+ Animal Welfare Violations
BREAKING: PetSmart Stores Cited for 70+ Animal Welfare Violations

At one store, a lethargic bearded dragon who wasn’t eating was held for more than three weeks without receiving veterinary care. The suffering must have been terrible.

Don’t Be Fooled by Canada Goose’s New Fur Policy
Don’t Be Fooled by Canada Goose’s New Fur Policy

Canada Goose is attempting to “humane wash” its image and circumvent bans on the sale of fur with its new policy—but fur is always cruelly obtained.

Want Some Good News? Take a Look at PETA’s Victories So Far in 2020
Want Some Good News? Take a Look at PETA’s Victories So Far in 2020

PETA is going full steam ahead to make the world a brighter place. See all the ways we’ve helped animals in just the first three months of the year.

© iStock.com/sad444
COVID-19 Setbacks? Not for This Eatery, Which Went Above and Beyond
COVID-19 Setbacks? Not for This Eatery, Which Went Above and Beyond

You’ve never seen a “fish” fry like this! Good Friday kicked off with an animal-friendly bang, thanks to this restaurant’s fish-free fry with PETA’s Christian outreach division, LAMBS.

PETA’s Business Tip for SeaWorld: Let Animals Go, Not Employees
PETA’s Business Tip for SeaWorld: Let Animals Go, Not Employees

PETA is calling on SeaWorld to use the coming weeks to develop a plan to move orcas, dolphins, and other captive marine mammals to seaside sanctuaries.

PETA Will Buy Every Betta Fish From Petco in Exchange for a Sales Ban
PETA Will Buy Every Betta Fish From Petco in Exchange for a Sales Ban

The coronavirus has created a unique opportunity for PETA to extend an olive branch of sorts to Petco and end our campaign against its sale of betta fish.

Self-Isolation Got You Feeling Trapped? Try Being a Dolphin at SeaWorld
Self-Isolation Got You Feeling Trapped? Try Being a Dolphin at SeaWorld

SeaWorld is closed because of the coronavirus, but it should’ve closed long ago for cruelty. Tell the park not to reopen until all the dolphins and whales are released to seaside sanctuaries.

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