Photos of the Day: The Cutest Activists on the Block
Photos of the Day: The Cutest Activists on the Block

Support was high in Pasadena, where “orcas” and children stole the hearts of passersby and urged the city to keep cruelty out of the Rose Parade.

Victory for Seals! WTO Upholds EU Ban on Seal Fur
Victory for Seals! WTO Upholds EU Ban on Seal Fur

The WTO wasn’t persuaded at all by Canada’s claim that the slaughter can be humane.

©Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Alec and Hilaria Baldwin Urge Macy’s to Dump SeaWorld Float
Alec and Hilaria Baldwin Urge Macy’s to Dump SeaWorld Float

Alec and Hilaria Baldwin ask Macy’s CEO to pull SeaWorld’s float from its Thanksgiving Day parade.

Howard Stern Has Some Stern Words for SeaWorld
Howard Stern Has Some Stern Words for SeaWorld

In typical Howard Stern style, the outspoken radio show host and animal advocate becomes the latest celebrity to give the marine-mammal prison a tongue-lashing.

Ariana Grande Goes Vegan—and That’s Not All
Ariana Grande Goes Vegan—and That’s Not All

The tiny singer is proving to be a powerhouse for animals.

Photos of the Day: Kick SeaWorld out of the Rose Parade
Photos of the Day: Kick SeaWorld out of the Rose Parade

PETA supporters protest SeaWorld’s planned Rose Parade float.

Could This Movie Put SeaWorld out of Business?
Could This Movie Put SeaWorld out of Business?

SeaWorld runs but can’t hide as Blackfish sweeps the ratings.

‘Orcas’ Rain on SeaWorld’s Parade
‘Orcas’ Rain on SeaWorld’s Parade

PETA “orcas” brave cold water and crowds to protest SeaWorld’s blatant attempt to use big bucks to polish its tarnished image.

Ewan McGregor Bashes SeaWorld While Park Attendance Nose-Dives
Ewan McGregor Bashes SeaWorld While Park Attendance Nose-Dives

Ewan McGregor sees SeaWorld for what it really is. Apparently the NASDAQ does, too.

Screaming ‘Orca’ Fated for SeaWorld Urges Public to Watch ‘Blackfish’
Screaming ‘Orca’ Fated for SeaWorld Urges Public to Watch ‘Blackfish’

Crying “orca” destined for SeaWorld stops San Diego traffic and breaks hearts.

Victory! Los Angeles Bans Cruel Bullhooks
Victory! Los Angeles Bans Cruel Bullhooks

The Los Angeles City Council sends a strong message to elephant abusers, leaving circuses scrambling and elefriends celebrating.

PETA to Air Canada: Set New Standard for Animal Safety
PETA to Air Canada: Set New Standard for Animal Safety

PETA sends urgent letter to Air Canada with unique money-making suggestion after the airline loses one of its smallest passengers.

Caught on Camera: Vet Sees Likely Bullhook Boil on Ringling Baby Elephant
Caught on Camera: Vet Sees Likely Bullhook Boil on Ringling Baby Elephant

When Ringling invited a camera crew to its “Center for Elephant Conservation” in a bid to convince people that the animals aren’t abused, the plan backfired.

Update: Victory for Seals! EU Court Upholds Seal-Fur Ban
Update: Victory for Seals! EU Court Upholds Seal-Fur Ban

The European Union’s highest court just rejected yet another appeal by the Canadian sealing industry to overturn the EU’s ban on seal-fur imports.

©Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
With the Feds in the Red, ‘Lettuce Ladies’ Throw ‘Em a Little Green
With the Feds in the Red, ‘Lettuce Ladies’ Throw ‘Em a Little Green

PETA’s Lettuce Ladies are trying to help ensure that Americans don’t face a second shutdown.

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