SeaWorld’s nightly fireworks displays bombard animals who have no way to escape the onslaught.
Two California members of Congress spearhead an amendment that could lead to more legal protection for captive orcas.
At SeaWorld’s annual meeting, Jessica Biel asks SeaWorld to listen to the public and develop a plan to move the orcas to sea pens.
How well do you know your PETA trivia? “Jeopardy” puts contestants’ animal rights knowledge to the test.
This is a landmark step toward protecting animals under international trade law.
![A white cat with pink hearts surrounding them](
PETA joins fast-food workers’ day-of-action protest in typical flamboyant style.
Primate expert Dr. Jane Goodall has fired off a letter to Air France urging the company to stop shipping monkeys to their deaths inside laboratories.
Our shocking new video brings Canada’s dirty deeds to light.
Today at the Talladega Superspeedway, driver Leilani Munter is pulling off a feat not seen since Jonah: She is taking a ride inside a whale.
At a protest of Air France, the only major airline that still ships monkeys to their deaths in laboratories, Justin Bieber summed it up nicely: “Air France sucks!”
To commemorate Canada’s Tax Day, PETA blew up a toilet to show taxpayers how the seal massacre not only kills animals but also flushes money away.
Air France passengers’ eyes weren’t deceiving them when they thought they saw a famous movie star confined to a crate at LAX.
A whistleblower’s tip and a PETA campaign have resulted in a fine against China Southern Airlines for illegally shipping monkeys to their deaths in U.S. labs.
PETA has produced shocking artwork showing promgoers the rest of KFC’s disgusting chicken corsage.
Canadian sealers have again taken to the ice to shoot and bludgeon baby seals. But with virtually no market remaining for seal fur, we have to ask: Why bother?