Tastes Like Chicken!

Quick—what reason do people usually give for continuing to eat meat even after you’ve told them about all the awesome health, environmental, and animal welfare benefits of going vegetarian? If you said taste (as in, people don’t want to give up meat because they like the taste), you win $1 million! Not really (sorry!), but … Read more »

Nah! Nah! The Circus Got a Smackdown!

As I’m sure many of you are aware, circuses that use elephants and big cats in their acts are not on PETA’s approved list! Circuses—including Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, for instance—use aggression, violence, and confinement to “train” elephants to perform asinine tricks. This often results in pain, suffering, and trauma. Some elephants … Read more »

Al Gore to the Public: Do as I Say, Not as I Do

Al Gore admitted to an audience at a political blogger conference that he may, indeed, be bad for the environment and guilty of contributing to global warming. Why? Because he just can’t seem to stop eating meat, which is more harmful to the global warming crisis (which Gore is known for being a teeny bit … Read more »

PETA Asia-Pacific Frees the Elephants, Chickens, Sheep, and Penthouse Pets

Remember that advertisement for the U.S. Army that said that folks in the Army do more before 6 a.m. than most people do all day? I was reminded of that when I reviewed some of the successes scored by the phenomenal PETA Asia-Pacific team. Check out what these superheroes for animals accomplished during a recent … Read more »

More Fabulous Victories!

beedata / CC Every once in a while, I’m reminded of just how much work we get done here at PETA. That’s because once a month, we all gather with our iced coffees and we sit back and listen to the inspiring accomplishments achieved by each department. And it occurred to me this last time … Read more »

Batman Beats Dogs?!

Like the rest of the entire world, I went and saw The Dark Knight this weekend, and also like the rest of the entire world, I was impressed with this darker take on the Batman mythos. I’m all for having Heath Ledger win the Oscar, and my superhero-comic-loving-nerd-patrol side could gush for hours about the … Read more »

Drag Queens vs. KFC

Colonel Sanders has finally met his heavily accessorized, bouffant-wearing, monster-sized match: Lady Bunny. The queen of all queens has teamed up with PETA to create an awesome anti-KFC billboard, which just went up in New York City. The larger-than-life female impersonator’s ad advises tourists and commuters that the Colonel’s “secret recipe” is cruelty to animals. … Read more »

Bob Barker Defends Mommy Deer

nab / CC Bob Barker was famous for reminding The Price Is Right viewers about the importance of having companion animals spayed or neutered and keeping fur off the show, among other kind things. This week, he’s speaking up for deer—in particular, two does and their fawns who live in Great Falls, Virginia. The deer … Read more »

Is Naomi Campbell Going Bald?

entertainmentwise / CC It must be hard to reach that point in your life where whenever your name hits the media, it’s preceded by the words “former supermodel.” You might become upset enough to freak out on a plane or throw a phone at your maid. Why, it’s enough to make you want to pull … Read more »

Wal-Mart Gives Homeless Fish to PETA

This story’s got it all: the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s just sort of in reverse order. Think: bad beginning but great ending for a few hundred fish and snails! On an average day, PETA’s Cruelty Investigations Department receives dozens of phone calls from caring individuals who have witnessed—and wish to report—cases of … Read more »

Don’t Abuse Animals – the Government Hates Competition!

Do you know the saying “Don’t steal—the government hates competition”? I was reminded of it recently when news broke that the U.S. Army is shooting live pigs in an open range with high-power rifles at a training camp in Hawaii. The Army says it’s teaching combat medics how to treat battlefield injuries, but here’s the … Read more »

The PETA Citizen Journalism Award Goes To …

You know, we’ve been partnering with Helium.com and recently gave out a PETA Citizen Journalism Award to Cate Stewart, who published a fantastic essay about clean meat on Helium. You can read this award-winning essay here: Would you eat animal-stem-cell–grown “clean meat” to protect animals and the environment? Yes, I would definitely eat “clean meat.” … Read more »

Playmate to Politicians: Take a Bite (and Cool Down)

Like you, dear reader, PETA is concerned about the sad state of affairs in Washington. Never content to just sit around, though, we’re doing our part to get the pork out of politics. And although congressional staffers are used to hearing from folks who have a beef, we arrived without any at all! OK, I’ll … Read more »

Lettuce Ladies Give Away Gasoline!

Any good Marketing professional knows their “ABCs of Marketing”* — Ability to persuade, Businesslike demeanor, and of course, Coercion through bribery. Well, yesterday, in Lynchburg, Virginia, and Beckley, West Virginia, PETA’s Lettuce Ladies rocked all three of these important guidelines as they gave away free gas and vegan sandwiches to 100 people in exchange for … Read more »

Lettuce Ladies and Soy Sausage

Dogville, a local hot dog vendor, started selling veggie sausages last week. Of course, they’ve already been a big hit at the office, but from the looks of this video from HamptonRoads.tv it’s not just PETA employees who are digging on the new offerings! Check out the video which features two of my favorite things: … Read more »

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