Some KFC Protests Are Bigger Than Others

This was a big one. The photos were taken after the peta2 Take Action Conference in Toronto last week. More on that on peta2’s blog (fair warning: my peta2 colleagues tend to use a lot of hip, slangy, young-people lingo, so try not to let it get you down), and there are plenty more pics … Read more »

PETA Launches Victimless Nuggets

We’re debuting our very first branded food product today, and, being PETA, we figured we’d do something that would make a bit of a splash. We’re launching Newkirk Nuggets™ (patent pending), a cutting edge (and surprisingly delicious) animal-meat alternative created by cloning cells from an upper arm biopsy of PETA President Ingrid Newkirk who is … Read more »

KFC’s Witness Protection Program

The guys who run gave one of the most inspired and hilarious talks at South by Southwest this year, and, when they gave away burgers to everyone in the crowd at the end of the discussion, they made a point of providing lots of veggie burgers, which I thought was very decent of them. … Read more »

Watch the Colonel Go Up in Flames

I’ve written about these Colonel Sanders effigy-burnings before, but this video really shows just how striking these demonstrations can be. This one’s from a protest in Pittsburgh earlier this month. If you want to organize your own demonstration against KFC, (no need to get quite so fancy as this—a few friends and some simple signs … Read more »


If you were following the Super Bowl ads closely this year, you would have noticed an advocacy ad for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, which depicted a drug dealer lamenting his recent lack of customers, because “kids are just getting high out of their medicine cabinets nowadays.” Which, well, no problem … Read more »

Tyson Caught Again … and Again

In 2005, PETA released footage from an undercover investigation into a slaughterhouse run by KFC Supplier Tyson Foods, which showed live chickens’ heads being ripped off, among other acts of unbelievable cruelty. Two new PETA investigations of the company, which have just been released today, reveal that Tyson has done nothing to prevent the torture … Read more »

KFC Sues Indie Moviemakers

According to the movie blog Horror Yearbook, a small group of independent moviemakers are getting strongarmed by KFC into abandoning their project. Classy stuff, KFC. Really classy. Check it out here. I guess it’ll probably never get made now, but I think the movie looks effing rad.

Colonel Sanders’ Graveyard Companion

There’s a new headstone in one of the plots adjoining Colonel Sanders’ grave in Louisville’s Cave Hill Cemetery. It’s inscribed with what our press release is calling a “moving tribute” to a “Kind Friend of Chickens.” I’ll refrain from commenting on the literary merits of the poem itself, but the fact that the bright red … Read more »

Sex Dolls Agree: KFC Blows

File this one under “hilarious.” PETA Asia-Pacific, which may or may not be comprised of drunken frat guys, had a clever demonstration planned in which inflatable sex dolls would assert the fact that “KFC Blows”. Unfortunately the dolls were confiscated by customs officials in the Philippines, who may or may not be lonely men. PETA … Read more »

Bryan Adams Takes On Most KFCs in Canada

Canadian Rocker Bryan Adams, a vegan and a friend of PETA who has donated his talent as a photographer to help us create our ads, took it upon himself this week to let John Bitove, the CEO of most KFCs in Canada, know exactly what he thinks about KFC suppliers’ treatment of chickens. Adams said, … Read more »

Kentucky Fried Cruelty HQ

Earlier this year, we took our KFC Campaign up a notch by sending our fearless Kentucky Fried Cruelty campaigner, Lindsay Rajt, deep into the heart of darkness—Louisville, Kentucky, itself—to help make sure that employees at KFC’s headquarters had a constant, chilling reminder of the fact that we are not going to go away until they … Read more »

A New Name for Manchester Community College?

I can’t think why, but apparently, the good folks at New Hampshire Community Technical College-Manchester have grown unhappy with their institution’s name. I guess it’s possible that they thought it was a bit on the boring side. Or perhaps just a teensy bit unwieldy? Either way, as of last week, their long wait for an … Read more »

Petland Calculus

I have to admit that I don’t have a very good head for figures, but the math here seems pretty straightforward. And while we’re talking numbers, selling people dogs and cats when there are between 6 and 8 million waiting for homes in shelters every year is about as dumb as shelling out a thousand … Read more »

Covance Pays for an Anti-Covance Billboard

Here’s a taste of what PETA UK’s been doing with the money they received from Covance Inc. following the dismissal of Covance’s lawsuit against them. Karma’s a bitch, sometimes.

Debate Animal Rights, and Get Paid

Up until Wednesday, you can put yourself in the running to earn a bit of spending money over at just for doing what you do so well right here on this very blog. Anyone interested can head over there and post your thoughts on topics ranging from “PETA’s Kentucky Fried Cruelty Campaign” to “How … Read more »

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