Eight Reasons to Boycott KFC

Beachgoers in Fort Myers and Pensacola today got the envious privilege of being able to see planes hired by PETA flying up and down the shoreline towing signs reading “8 REASONS TO BOYCOTT KFC,” and featuring a demonic, blood-soaked “Colonel Sanders” in the act of stabbing a chicken. So without further ado: 8 Reasons to … Read more »

Pam Anderson Goes Down Under

Pamela Anderson Visits a KFC in Australia OK, how predictable was that title? Here’s something else that’s predictable (in a good way this time): Devoted PETA supporter Pamela Anderson has taken yet another opportunity to speak up for animals. The walking fantasy with a heart of gold is in Australia for the filming of the … Read more »

A Superhero for Chickens!

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! Wait! It’s a plane looking to help birds—chickens, to be precise.Beachgoers flocking (geddit?) to Panama City’s crowded beaches had something far more interesting to gawk at this weekend than women in skimpy bikinis, as an airplane hired by PETA flew overhead, towing a banner that read, “Boycott KFC Cruelty.”Now … Read more »

Imogen Bailey Says, ‘Chicks Are More Than Breasts and Legs’

news / CC PETA supporter and all-around smoking-hot animal advocate Imogen Bailey is joining the almost-global (thanks, KFCs in Canada!) campaign against KFC. PETA Asia-Pacific’s supermodel buddy wrote a letter to Albert Baladi—managing director of Yum! Restaurants International South Pacific, the parent company of KFC in the Asia-Pacific region—asking him to adopt the same animal … Read more »

Boots for Chicks

The following open letter is a response to this letter. Dear Best Week Ever, We really appreciate that you shared your suggestion with us about tiny footwear being the key to convincing people not to eat animals anymore. I don’t know why we didn’t think of this sooner. Your idea is genius.B.W.E., we couldn’t agree … Read more »

Vote for Your Favorite Anti-KFC Action

Today Canada, tomorrow the world (insert maniacal laughter here). We were totally spent from doing a victory dance over our recent KFC campaign triumph in Canada, but we’ve rested up and now we’re ready to get back to kicking the Colonel’s bucket. Continuing our Kentucky Fried Cruelty campaign in other countries, including the U.S., we’re … Read more »

KFC Scalds Chicks

Every once in a while, someone notices that women are featured in PETA’s provocative ads and demonstrations more often than men are. It’s not that PETA, as an organization, doesn’t appreciate animal-loving, nearly naked men—it’s just that usually the ads and demonstrations make more sense or will garner more attention to animal rights issues with … Read more »

How to Wear a Nugget Costume

Here at PETA, we get undeniably excited when we receive new costumes in the mail. It virtually turns into a reenactment of little kids on their birthdays—without all the “gimme gimmes” and grabbing fingers. Well, maybe. Anyway, the point is we were very excited when our new nugget costume arrived. Now, if you don’t know … Read more »

The Case of the Disappearing Cancer

The next time someone tries to tell you that a vegan diet isn’t healthy, just mention Mary Bukowiec to them. Who is she? Ms. Bukowiec is a breast cancer survivor who credits her change to a vegan diet with the complete disappearance of her cancer. Following an earlier diagnosis, she had followed the conventional course … Read more »

KT Tunstall Takes On KFC

Two-time-Grammy-nominated songwriter KT Tunstall has just lent her voice to the campaign against KFC, firing off a letter to the managers of every KFC in Scotland encouraging them to pressure the company to stop its suppliers’ worst abuses of chickens. You can read the full letter here. For the full experience, I highly recommend that … Read more »

Chickens in Canada Celebrate!

So I told some of my animal buddies about the progress with the KFC campaign in regards to the animal welfare changes we secured for chickens killed for Canadian KFCs.. So we had a little celebration, as you can see here. They couldn’t really wait for the grapes to ferment into wine and all that, … Read more »

Historic Victory! PETA Wins KFC Campaign in Canada

If I were to list the most interesting experiences I’ve had in my 26 years of life, I’d say that eating a meal of vegan fried chicken with the president of the company that coordinates the purchasing of chickens for all Canadian KFCs at the PETA HQ—in the midst of our bitter five-year battle with … Read more »

Evil Colonel Sanders Makes His Movie Debut

In a recent conference call with investors, KFC outlined strategies for improving flagging U.S. sales, including projecting a “younger image.” Since we’re going to be matching these guys stride for stride until they agree to make some major changes in the way they treat chickens, that means we need to be hitting the same markets … Read more »

PETA UK and the Advertising Standards Authority

Those wily British counterparts of mine just won’t stop pushing the envelope. I wrote last week with some pride about how their “Feeding Kids Meat Is Child Abuse” ad made the BBC’s top 10 most controversial ads list—well, according to The Guardian, they’re at it again! Apparently there have been complaints about the anti-KFC ad … Read more »

Ryan Gosling Sticks Up for Chicks

I wanted to do a joke here about the fact that “gosling” means baby goose, but it’s not coming, so I’ll just play this one straight: Ryan Gosling, the Oscar-nominated star of Lars and the Real Girl, Murder by Numbers, and Half Nelson, has just fired off a letter on behalf of PETA to John … Read more »

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