Judith Yeargin, Animal Supporter in Life and Death

Longtime PETA supporter Judith Yeargin fought hard not only in her 30-year battle against breast cancer but also against the use of animals in experiments. That’s why Judith, who died on March 2, left her body to the New York University Langone Medical Center (NYUMC) She hoped to spare some of the countless animals who … Read more »

Save Horses’ Lives: Support H.R. 503

fairlightacres / CC Although technically spring has not yet sprung, we seem to be doing a kind of early spring cleaning here at the Files, with updates on some issues that we haven’t discussed in a while. First, it was ONPRC and now, horse slaughter. “Horse slaughter.” Ugh. Just the phrase alone turns your stomach, … Read more »

PETA Faves on ‘Dancing With the Stars’

Our cup runneth over with the latest season of Dancing With the Stars. As if last season, which featured spunky octo-vegetarian Cloris Leachman, weren’t enough, this season we have two PETA supporters to root for. How can we be expected to choose between Steve-O—star of “Rather Go Naked” and “Ink, Not Mink” ads as well … Read more »

Become an Action Hero (for Seals) on Sunday

This Sunday, March 15, is International Day of Action Against the Seal Slaughter. Why it’s not on all the calendars between Purim and St. Patrick’s Day, we’ll never know, but, hey, we’re doing our part to get the word out. OK, so this event is big—international, even, as the name suggests. Animal protection groups of … Read more »

Primate Laboratory Gets Put on Notice

One of the monkeys who was abused for experiments at ONPRC It’s been awhile since we last mentioned the Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC). But even though ONPRC hasn’t been in our blog, it’s been very much on our minds, and there are encouraging new developments to report. For those of you who have … Read more »

Pig Farms and Flesh-Eating Bacteria

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof usually writes about Darfur and other far-off lands, but this week, he ventured into America’s heartland to talk about a plague that is afflicting a small town in Indiana that happens to be home to factory hog farms. The plague is MRSA—methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, aka “flesh-eating bacteria.” You can … Read more »

KFC Chief’s Speech Add-On

Just as David Novak, CEO of KFC’s parent company, Yum!, stepped up to address a crowd of Louisville business owners yesterday, two animal rights activists entered the stage, commandeered the mic, and told the assembled captains of Kentucky industry that “David Novak tortures animals,” a reference to the millions of chickens who have their wings … Read more »

Kentucky Fried Contamination

It should be no surprise to regular readers of this blog that we keep an eye on happenings at KFC, so this caught our eye: According to news reports, the manager of a KFC in Manchester, New Hampshire, received a hoax phone call from someone who claimed to be from KFC’s corporate offices and told … Read more »

The Naked Truth About KFC

As the Midwest’s snowy winter drags on, PETA beauties have been heating things up. They recently flocked to a KFC in Champaign, Illinois, to tell customers the “naked” truth about how cold-hearted KFC abuses chickens. After hearing the gruesome details, I think it’s safe to say that many would-be customers were seriously thinking about flying … Read more »

Bravely Going Where No Bikini Has Gone Before

All across our great nation, bikini-clad PETA members have been out in full force, snatching media attention and educating the public about cruelty to animals. If only math classes used such brilliant strategies, we’d all be calculus whizzes! From the International Putrid … excuse me, Poultry Expo in Atlanta to the slushy streets of Flint, … Read more »

Blow-Up Dolls With Multiple Uses

We were blown away (sorry) by the Kentucky Fried Cruelty demonstration that PETA Asia-Pacific held earlier today. Maybe it’s a cultural difference, but in that part of the world, people apparently go into giggling fits over the very idea of blow-up dolls. Go figure! Anyway, the clever folks at PETA Asia-Pacific, with the help of … Read more »

PETA Educates Bill Cosby About KFC

knoxnews / CC OK. So I really love The Cosby Show. The deadpan humor, family melodrama, and Bill Cosby’s tacky sweaters—how could you not? So when I found out that Bill Cosby will be performing at KFC’s upcoming annual Convention Gala, I was heartbroken. PETA reached out to Bill and let him know that more … Read more »

KFC Serves Garbage. No, Really.

So we all knew that KFC has some trashy practices, but did you know just how disgusting they can be? Recently, a delivery person recorded a KFC employee in Hong Kong picking fried chicken out of a trash can, putting it on a tray, and serving it to customers. While this might be shocking to … Read more »

Santa and Bikini-Clad Chicks vs. KFC

While Santa’s making his list and checking it twice, you’d better believe that KFC is getting nothing but coal, coal, and more coal—and PETA’s “Sexy Santas” want to make sure that the world knows why! Check us out at our demos handing out info on Kentucky Fried Cruelty!     Santa’s not the only one … Read more »

What’s Up, PETA Asia-Pacific?

The wonder crusaders over at PETA Asia-Pacific have been crossing country borders nonstop for the sake of animals. Their efforts as of late have reached crowds of people in China and Australia, and even more individuals are tuning in via news circuits and the Internet. We say, rock it, PETA A-P! Of course, we fancy … Read more »

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