Seals Enter the ‘InfoWar’

A new viral e-leaflet is urging people to “avenge” WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, whom the leaflet describes as “the prime focus of a global manhunt.” We’re sure that Mr. Assange has his share of woes, but hey, at least he isn’t having his head bashed in. Canada’s harp seals are, however, which lead us to launch … Read more »

Protester Banned From Canada

 In  Canada, you can have your pie—you just can’t throw it too. PETA supporter Emily McCoy is saying au revoir to Canada after a certain tofu cream pie left her hand and wound up in the face of Fisheries Minister Gail Shea.  McCoy appeared in an Ontario courtroom yesterday to face charges of assault after she pushed … Read more »

Get Your Game on and Save Seals

Video game enthusiasts—now you can help protect baby seals just by playing games! Sammy the Seal needs your help to escape the blood-thirsty hunters and their clubs. You must navigate him through the maze so that he’ll come out safe on the other side. Try not to hit the wall, or you and Sammy might … Read more »

PETA Honors Teddy Hilton

Perez Hilton, a distinguished veteran of PETA’s “Best-Dressed” list, now has a new jewel for his crown—a PETA Proggy Award. His website (named for his canine buddy) covers all things furry, scaly, and feathery, delivered with the same sass and pizzazz that Perez is known for over at “Teddy” talks turkey about amazing … Read more »

The ‘Other’ Canadian Seal Slaughter

Although it’s not as well known as Canada’s massive annual slaughter of baby harp seals, the yearly gray seal massacre in Hay Island, Nova Scotia, is just starting—and it’s just as horrible and unnecessary as the other bloodbath. As Rebecca Aldworth of Humane Society International/Canada aptly describes it, “I have no other way of saying … Read more »

More Bad News for Sealers

When are Canadian sealers going to catch a break? Never, it seems, as long as they continue to hook baby seals in the eye or mouth, drag them across the ice, and bludgeon them to death. Taiwan’s forestry bureau is considering banning seal products, just as the U.S. and the European Union have done. Forestry … Read more »

Stephen Harper Plagued by … Himself

Seal Enemy Number One, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, was seeing double (or rather, quadruple) at a dinner marking the anniversary of his fifth year in office. More than a dozen PETA members, including some wearing masks of Harper spewing blood, joined Sammy the Seal in braving minus-32 temperatures to swarm the Ottawa Hampton Inn, … Read more »

Canada: Take Your Seal Meat and Go Home

Just when the Canadian government thought it had figured out a way to put the money-losing seal slaughter in the black by selling seal meat to China … Hmmm … if China doesn’t want the spoils of the world’s largest marine-mammal massacre, what’s Canada to do? How about, um, don’t club seals? Just an idea … … Read more »

Canada Turns to China to Sell Seal Meat

In an apparent effort to recoup profits lost as a result of the dwindling demand for seal products, Canada will begin selling seal meat to China. Why China? Well, the sealing industry can’t seem to find anybody else to buy the stuff. Amid an international public outcry against the seal slaughter—in which baby seals are … Read more »

Force-Feeding Won’t Fly at Festival

Chef Martin Picard abruptly quit Ottawa’s upcoming Winterlude festival after concerned citizens prompted organizers to ban foie gras from the menu of the festival’s opening dinner. Activists won another victory over cruelty, and organizers of the Taste of Winterlude dinner, which will be held at the aptly named Museum of Civilization in Gatineau, Québec, don’t … Read more »

Pamela Anderson’s Top Actions in 2010

Pamela Anderson is unstoppable! Here are just some of the things this angel for animals did on behalf of PETA this year: Jumping through hoops to fight against animal abuse, she urged Chile’s prez to ban animal circuses and turned a Dancing With the Stars paso doble into an opportunity to speak out against bullfighting! “Her … Read more »

Sammy the Seal: Front Page News

And so, there I am, enjoying some vegan pancakes and perusing the morning paper, when all of a sudden I realize—that’s me on the front page! Of course, I’m fine. The blood and the bashed-in head at PETA’s recent demonstration weren’t real—but I truly wish that I could say the same for the suffering of … Read more »

Fire Fails to Foil Cruelty Case

Animal abusers take note: your misdeeds may come to light even through the ashes. A Manitoba couple who owned a hog barn that burned in a “suspicious” fire in June—just days after investigators discovered hundreds of dead and dying animals at the facility—has been charged with 23 counts of cruelty to animals. Martin and Dolores … Read more »

EU Seal Fur Ban Upheld

jomilo75/CC by 2.0   It’s official: The European Union doesn’t want to import the pelts—or any other parts—of slaughtered baby seals. Compassion has won out, and the EU’s historic ban on the sale of seal-derived products will remain in place, despite the seal slaughterers’ last-ditch attempt to stop it. With basically an entire continent and … Read more »

Protest Saves Horse From Slaughter

Talk about fast results: When star PETA member Emily Lavender organized protests against horse slaughter across Canada earlier this month, one horse was saved on the spot! Protesters outside a slaughterhouse in Québec spotted a man who was about to hand a horse over to be killed because he didn’t want to pay for a … Read more »

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