Hidden Cameras Expose Canada’s Shame

In PETA’s new ad, Joel Gibb of Canadian indie band The Hidden Cameras announced that “Canada’s Club Scene Sucks.” and he’s not talking about JELL-O shots.     Today, Joel and the band teamed up with PETA for a public unveiling of the ad in front of Queen’s Park in Toronto. The Hidden Cameras performed … Read more »

PETA Marches On, Rain or Shine

Sometimes, Mother Nature isn’t entirely on our side when it comes to outdoor demonstrations. Luckily for us, caring citizens don’t let a little rain stop them from getting the word out about animal abuse. Just check out all these pictures that were sent to us this week:   Rain check? Not for these seal lovers! … Read more »

Happy Birthday, Prime Minister Harper!

Happy birthday to you!Happy birthday to you!Quit slaughtering the seals! Happy birthday to you! Or at least that’s what I like to think these caring people were singing when they stopped by Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s home to deliver a few birthday balloons for his big 5-0.   This young veg’un (isn’t he adorable?) is … Read more »

Take the E-Card Challenge

Victoria Day—which is basically the Canadian equivalent of Memorial (aka “Woohoo, Summer’s Almost Here!”) Day—isn’t until May 18, but I’m thinking about our northern neighbors today. I’ve sent PETA’s e-card by Canadian editorial cartoonist Graeme MacKay to 16 people so far, in order to urge them to take action to end the seal slaughter in … Read more »

On the Streets With PETA!

The whole world is coming out of hibernation for spring. What better time to get outdoors and get active for animals? There are all sorts of demos happening. Check ’em out!     This was a particularly moving demo in Calgary to fight the Canadian seal slaughter. This demonstration took place outside the Canadian Consulate … Read more »

PETA (Hearts) Noop Dog

  today.msnbc.msn / CC Lambert? Nope. Gokey? Sorry! We’re all about Noop Dog here at PETA! Devastated as I was when Anoop Desai got voted off American Idol this week, my day perked up when I discovered that our friends over at PETA India have approached Anoop to ask him to work with them. They … Read more »

US Airways: PETA’s ‘End the Seal Slaughter’ Billboard?

Update: US Airways rejected our initial offer, but that little bump in the road isn’t stopping us. We’re still hopeful that we can work something out with the airline—and if US Airways isn’t open to talking, we’ll be approaching other airlines with the idea. With the 2010 Olympics approaching, people are looking to book their … Read more »

Pamela and Putin: Teaming Up for Seals?

gossipcheck / CC Pamela Anderson and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin? It turns out that the two of them have more in common than you might think. Namely, they are both opposed to the mass slaughter of seals. Pamela has written to Putin suggesting that he use his political influence to help her—and many other … Read more »

Stunning Pro-Seal Protesters’ Photos

From Los Angeles, California, to Paducah, Kentucky and from Berlin, Germany, to Zagreb, Croatia—all around the world, caring people are taking to the streets to protest against the shameful Canadian seal slaughter. These caring activists are showing Canada that the world will not tolerate this bloody massacre. We’ve posted many entries on this blog with … Read more »

S-H-A-M-E Canada Billboard Hits Ontario

Some people just need to have things spelled out for them before they catch on. At this very moment, the seal slaughter is staining the ice floes of Canada blood red, despite all the not-so-subtle hints that we’ve been dropping to let Canada know that allowing a massacre to take place on its territory is … Read more »

Obama ‘Outraged’ Over Seal Slaughter

In 2006, when Barack Obama was an Illinois Senator, he wrote a letter to a group of constituents to thank them for their support of a resolution against the Canadian seal slaughter. He assured them that he would use his seat in the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations to support the resolution. “But Amanda,” you … Read more »

Seal Slaughter Protests Across Canada

Last week, I shared photos of people across the globe speaking up for seals. Fortunately, many Canadians are also standing up to let the world know that they are opposed to the seal slaughter. Check out these demo photos to see what ashamed Canadians are doing to show that they’re not all a bunch of … Read more »

‘Win It’ Wednesday: ‘Mutt Like Me’ Collar

Thanks for all of your wonderful comments on this Win It Wednesday. The winners of the ‘Mutt Like Me’ collars are christine, Kelli, and Cheri Anderson-Albert. Congratulations! President Obama has declared that he’s a mutt, so why doesn’t your mixed-parentage pup do the same? It’s easy with this week’s “Mutt Like Me” ID tag collar … Read more »

Help Battle Seal Slaughterers in World of Warcraft

The following blog is a guest post from peta2’s Ryan. The fight against the Canadian seal slaughter has gone digital! That’s right, gamers, get ready: This Saturday, World of Warcraft (WoW) players will have the opportunity to combat a team of four Horde seal killers. We need your help to stop them from bashing in … Read more »

N.Y. Breeder Under Fire for Parasite-Infested Horses

Thoroughbred breeder Ernie Paragallo, whose horses were discovered emaciated and infested with parasites as they awaited slaughter in a pen, should be prosecuted for cruelty to animals. Paragallo said that he had given the horses up to a Florida-based breeder and that he did not know of their final destination (the slaughterhouse), but that certainly … Read more »

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