Seals Drive Tractors?

Always one to lend a helping hand flipper, our American Maple Syrup Campaign “spokesseal” was itching to get behind the wheel of a tractor to help out one Green Bay, Wisconsin, farmer who was eager to show his support for our Canadian maple syrup boycott.   It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s … a … Read more »

Gold Medalist Swimmer Bares Butt, But Will He Bare It All?

allday.msnbc.msn / CC During the World Swimming Championships in Rome on Sunday, Olympic gold medalist Ricky Berens turned up the heat when he dove off the starting block, ripped the back of his swimsuit, and gave the audience quite a show. Despite this em-bare-assing wardrobe malfunction, Berens kept right on swimming. Now that we’ve gotten … Read more »

The ‘G-Force’ Effect

flixter / CC Two things we like about Disney’s new movie, G-Force: The guinea pigs aren’t real (they’re computer-generated), and they totally kick butt. But here’s something we don’t like: Kids who see the movie are no doubt going to beg Mom and Dad to buy them a guinea pig, pleading their case with the … Read more »

From Ice Floes to Ice Rinks

  Here’s an idea that hockey star and seal defender Georges Laraque would probably like to take credit for: We’re planning to place a giant version of our Olympic Shame 2010 logo under the ice at several Canadian skating rinks. After all, denizens of the Great White North love their icy sports. Once they start … Read more »

E.U. Finalizes Seal Product Ban–Canada Still Clueless

nationalpost / CC A few months ago, we told you about a vote by the European Union (E.U.) to end the sale of seal products. Well, now is the time to do a little victory dance, because the ban has just been finalized! According to the AP, Canada exported about $5 million worth of seal … Read more »

PETA Signs Up for Billboard Space at 2010 Winter Olympics

When we heard that the Vancouver Organizing Committee (VANOC) is selling cheap outdoor ad space to nonsponsors, you can be sure that only a few seconds passed before we signed up to place a billboard during the 2010 Olympic Games. VANOC claims that the soft economy has created sluggish ad sales, so it’s scrambling to … Read more »

Toronto Tourists Welcome the ‘Grim Reapers’

Oof.     I imagine this is what a certain fur hag might look like on a “good” day. PETA’s “Grim Reapers” recently greeted tourists at a crowded tour-bus stop in Toronto to reveal frightening facts about Canada’s shame: the cruel slaughter of baby seals for their fur. Their scary outfits didn’t stop tourists from … Read more »

Canada’s KFCs Score with Vegetarian Hockey Player

What do you get when you combine our favorite hockey player with one of our favorite faux-chicken sandwiches?     Hat trick! Georges Laraque was so impressed by a Canadian KFC’s vegan sandwich, he ordered two more to go. While there is one major animal offense that keeps Canada in the penalty box, KFCs in … Read more »

Sarah McLachlan Rocks PETA Shirt for Seals

Halifax native Sarah McLachlan, who is in Ottawa today to perform a concert in celebration of Canada Day, has wasted no time in letting her native land know how upset she is about the government’s refusal to stop the annual seal slaughter. In an interview today with Canada’s CTV News—during which she wore PETA’s “Hug … Read more »

Oh, Canada, It’s Your Birthday

Canada is celebrating its birthday today, and people around the globe just don’t think it’s fair. The country that kills hundreds of thousands of seals each year, most of whom haven’t even seen their first birthday, gets to throw a big shindig? No way, hoser. To let Canada know that the rest of the world … Read more »

Michael Jackson’s Protest of Seal Killing Lives On

Fans are mourning the sudden passing of the “King of Pop,” who spent decades under a media microscope. Here are some Jacko facts that fans may not know: The number-one song “Ben,” about a rat friend, was originally meant to be sung by Donny Osmond. (Thanks to The Michael Jackson Fan Club for that.) My … Read more »

Seals Vacation at Martha’s Vineyard Too

With the annual Canadian seal slaughter just over (although our battle has really just begun), I was ready for a little R&R when I left PETA headquarters in Norfolk for my vacation in Martha’s Vineyard last week. I have a friend who owns a house at the popular getaway, and as we set up chairs … Read more »

Tigers and Chickens and Seals–Oh My!

It’s been a busy, busy week here at PETA. With so many different campaigns in full swing, we’ve had people out on the streets protesting the circus, and McDonald’s, and the seal slaughter, and … phew. Why don’t you just check out the pictures?   Me-yow! At a recent “Unhappy Meal” giveaway, the staff of … Read more »

Oo-Rah! Military Tackles Cruelty to Animals

deathpenaltyinfo / CC In a move that is waaaay long past overdue, a military panel has recommended adding cruelty to animals to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which is the foundation of US military law. Hard to believe it wasn’t already in there, but we’re just glad it’s in the works now. Last year, … Read more »

Staying Upwind of Stephen Harper

businessreport / CC In an effort to clean up its act before the 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver, the city of Victoria is building four new waste-treatment plants to handle the tens of millions of gallons of raw sewage that are currently being pumped into Puget Sound every day. Processing sewage isn’t the only … Read more »

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