Kelly Osbourne to Cover Justin Bieber?

© Star Max Inc.   “Canada, if you cancel the seal hunt, I will dress up like Justin Bieber and sing one of his songs on YouTube.” —Kelly Osbourne on what she’s willing to do to stop the seal slaughter. Go, Kelly, go! Kelly Osbourne really, really wants to convince the Canadian government to end … Read more »

Pamela’s Requests to Canadian Officials

© Star Max Inc. Our favorite Canadian and Dancing With the Stars contestant Pamela Anderson never stops (fox)trotting forward with her efforts to help animals. Pamela is taking advantage of Canada’s Access to Information Act, which lets Canadian citizens demand copies of government records. She’s just e-mailed requests to government agencies Fisheries and Oceans Canada, … Read more »

The Seal Slaughter Sham? BY 2.0 It seems that Gail Shea (the same fool member of parliament who tried pulling this number) has hatched another ploy to try to make the waning interest in the Canadian seal slaughter look stronger than it is. Earlier this week, Shea announced that the number of helpless victims seal slaughters are allowed … Read more »

Where’s PETA’s Seal?

Watch out, Waldo—you’ve got some cute and cuddly competition when it comes to getting lost in a crowd. My new favorite game: Where’s PETA’s seal?   © Bob Timmons/   Yesterday, the Canadian government announced that it is increasing the quota for this year’s seal slaughter and projecting a death toll of 388,200 (that’s 50,000 … Read more »

Polar Bear Payback: Slaughtering the Seal Slaughterers

Revenge for seals is just a click away. In Adult Swim’s addictive new game, Polar Bear Payback, you control a bloodthirsty polar bear as he battles through hordes of seal slaughterers (level 1 of the game) and whalers (level 2), all while saving animals and the environment. And bloodthirsty is right. To keep your health … Read more »

Baby Seals Taste Like Murder

Tuftronic10000 / CC by 2.0 Despite record low ice levels, Canadian officials seem hell bent on choking down baby seal flesh before they’ll willingly choke back their pride and denounce the seal slaughter. According to news reports, tomorrow, in an effort to thumb their noses at the E.U.’s recent seal-product ban, Canada’s parliamentary restaurant will … Read more »

Surprise Visitor at Olympic Closing Ceremony

When you’re friends with Pamela Anderson, it seems like anything is possible … even snagging tickets to one of the hottest events in Canada. After delivering our petition against the seal slaughter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the Dancing With the Stars beauty graciously gave her tickets for Sunday’s Olympic closing ceremony to PETA’s seal … Read more »

Gilbert Arenas Warms Up D.C.’s Homeless

Three-time NBA All-Star Gilbert Arenas is proof that one man can double-team fur industry cruelty. First, he bared it all in his “Ink, Not Mink” ad, and today he hosted PETA’s fur-coat giveaway in Washington, D.C., where donated coats were handed out to the homeless:     Only those who can’t afford to buy coats … Read more »

Pamela Anderson’s Postage Stamp Could Save Seals

Our “weapon of mass distraction” struck again today when PETA bombshell Pamela Anderson delivered a package to the mailbox directly across the street from the Vancouver office of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Personally I’d watch her drop off her electric bill, but this piece of mail has lives depending on it: Anderson was sending Prime … Read more »

Olympic Snowboarder Greg Bretz Should Bail on McDonald’s / CC Some say Olympic snowboarder Greg Bretz “won” an informal McNugget-eating contest by downing 60 blobs of fried chicken bits. But judging by the dazed expression on his face in the second photo, I’m thinking that even he agrees: major biff! Regardless, we’ve asked Greg to lay off the McNuggets until McDonald’s adopts … Read more »

An 8-Year-Old’s Plea to Stephen Harper

E-mail, text, and BBM all you want, but sometimes there’s nothing quite as powerful as an old-school letter. Our proof: This 8-year-old’s plea to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to do something that makes a difference for animals (like ending the seal slaughter!) is enough to restore anyone’s faith in snail mail. Click on the … Read more »

PETA’s Anti-Seal Slaughter Ad: Coming to a Bluetooth Near You

Because TV stations in Victoria, British Columbia, have rejected PETA’s anti–seal slaughter public service announcement, we’ve decided to go mobile with our campaign by placing a Bluetooth transmitter outside three of the city’s high schools. The transmitters will automatically send PETA’s ad to students’ phones (and those of lucky passersby) to educate them about the … Read more »

PETCO Profiting Off Animals Seized From USGE? Over Our Dead Bodies

Remember PETA’s 2007 undercover investigation of Rainbow World Exotics (RWE), a hellhole in Hamilton, Texas, that supplies PETCO and PetSmart stores with little hamsters, gerbils, and other critters? Before going public with that investigation, we sat down with three PETCO corporate representatives (one of whom was a vet) and showed them heartbreaking footage of a … Read more »

PETA Germany Hearts Seals

Oh, PETA Germany and your seal-loving supporters, you had me at “Hallo.”   It’s not even Valentine’s Day yet, but these dedicated demonstrators melted hearts (and snow) with their moving commitment to the tens of thousands of young Canadian harp seals who will soon be slaughtered for their skin. Show your love for the seals … Read more »

Get a Limited-Edition ‘Olympic’ Pin

With the Winter Olympics just a week away and all eyes turning to Vancouver, now is the perfect moment to draw attention to Canada’s upcoming slaughter of tens of thousands of young harp seals. These sensitive animals are often less than 2 weeks old when sealers beat them, hook them in the eye, mouth, or … Read more »

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