Historic News in Sheep Case

http://www.flickr.com/photos/alanvernon/ CC BY 2.0 It’s not often that we use the word “great” to describe anything involving vivisectors, but a recent development involving a petition filed by PETA and Madison-based Alliance for Animals against sheep experimenters at University of Wisconsin (UW)–Madison is just that: Circuit Court Judge Amy Smith has determined that nine individuals may … Read more »

To Rue From PETA: Thank You for Being a Friend

Back in the ’80s, when many people still thought that PETA was a Middle Eastern bread, a funny actor from Oklahoma became our first champion in Hollywood and helped establish the organization as a household name. She was Rue McClanahan, the flirty “Golden Girl,” and she became so active that she was PETA’s honorary director … Read more »

This Seal Wears Many Hats

It’s been a whirlwind week for PETA’s seal. To keep pressure on Canada to stop letting people shoot baby seals and bash their heads in, PETA’s sombrero-sporting seal followed Mexican President Felipe Calderón around to all his stops during his visit to Canada on Thursday.     President Calderón’s visit received tons of media attention, … Read more »

Canadians: Seals Need You–Canada Is Their Home Too

Many Canadians are against their country’s annual seal slaughter—the biggest massacre of marine mammals in the world—but the Canadian government has yet to put a stop to it. Not only is the government supporting the barbaric acts of bludgeoning and shooting baby seals, it is also spending taxpayer dollars to do so. Canadians, it’s your … Read more »

Music Icon Sings for Seals

What was the grooviest thing about having hippie parents? Growing up listening to Donovan. Seriously, my mother almost named me “Jennifer Juniper.” Instead she went for something more mainstream—Skylark. And I’m sure he hears it all the time, but I’m not exaggerating when I say that I’m Donovan’s biggest fan. Star-struck? Yes, consider me struck. … Read more »

Canadian Sealers ‘Hyped Up’ to Extend Slaughter

In yet another one of Canada’s attempts to get the media hyped about its bloody seal slaughter, Fisheries Minister Gail Shea just announced an “extension” of the slaughter through the end of May after sealers bemoaned the lack of opportunities to engage in their bloody business.   © The Humane Society of the United States … Read more »

Say ‘Nein’ to the Seal Slaughter

PETA Germany took the fight for Canadian seals to Berlin on Saturday, bringing Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s motorcade to a halt when a “seal” ran in front of the procession. Three police officers hauled the demonstrator off, but not before reporters—and presumably the P.M. himself—saw the “seal.” “Seals” have been trailing Harper all over … Read more »

Furriers Tell Enviro-Fibs

Apparently, furriers who push their pelts as “green” think that we were all born yesterday. Members of PETA and Concordia Animal Rights Association (CARA) along with our favorite hockey star, Georges Laraque, teamed up outside the North American Fur and Fashion Exposition of Montréal (NAFFEM) yesterday to set the record straight:   © Massacre Animal … Read more »

Pamela’s Breathtaking Moves

Barely stopping to catch her breath after a sizzling Argentine tango on Dancing With The Stars (DWTS), Pamela Anderson—accompanied by her dance partner, Damian Whitewood—headed to the Canadian Consulate in Los Angeles today to hand-deliver her letter to Gary Doer, the Canadian ambassador to the U.S., detailing her concern that the Canadian government is subsidizing … Read more »

Florida Representative Slams Seal Slaughter

There may not be many seals in the Sunshine State, but any who do venture that far south have a friend in U.S. Rep. Alcee Hastings. The senior Democratic whip is lobbing a virtual pie in the face of the Canadian government by introducing a resolution this week urging our neighbors to the north to … Read more »

Good Job, Steve Jobs!

Sure, Apple banned our Be Nice to Bunnies app after catching a glimpse of sexy Stephanie Pratt in the buff, but PETA doesn’t hold it against Steve Jobs. In fact, we think that Jobs and the rest of the Apple crew are pretty great after learning that the App Store said “no way” to an … Read more »

Thanks for Tweeting Us Right

In a tweet feat of epic proportions, PETA nabbed the number two spot in USA Today‘s #AmericaWants hash tag contest on Twitter! The great news was announced in an ad that ran in yesterday’s USA Today.   What America Wants   Kudos to all of you who tweeted in support of PETA’s campaign to stop … Read more »

Canada’s Seal Slaughter: The End Is Nigh?

Oh, sweet irony: Just weeks after Canadian Fisheries Minister Gail Shea gave the green light for sealers to kill an additional 50,000 seals, officials have announced that they will likely have to call off this year’s massacre early because of a lack of buyers for seal fur! All that hard work by friends of seals … Read more »

Be a Sweetie: Tweet for Seals!

Tweeps, we need your help! USA Today has announced that it will donate a full-page ad (a $189,400 value) to the nonprofit organization that garners the most tweets on Twitter. If PETA wins, we will use the ad to call for an end to Canada’s annual seal slaughter, which is happening right now and may … Read more »

350 Animals Killed in Fire

Tragic news from the U.K.: A huge fire at an animal-breeding center in southwest England early Tuesday morning killed more than 350 guinea pigs, (some reports are indicating that as many as 1,000 animals may have died, including guinea pigs, rabbits, and rats).   http://www.flickr.com/photos/jreed/ / CC BY-SA 2.0   Police believe the fire may … Read more »

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