Animal exploiters are nonessential—the coronavirus pandemic proves that the world can keep on turning without the torture and killing of animals.
These celebrities and influencers are just some of the millions of people who now know of the carnage that Canada’s government is allowing.
The Canadian sealing community is trying desperately to discredit the animal advocates who are speaking out against it. But the facts don’t lie.
With practically no market left for seal fur and other seal-derived items, the Canadian seal slaughter’s days are numbered.
As the Canadian prime minister made his rounds, PETA’s “spokeseal” popped up everywhere he went.
Canada’s three-step seal-slaughter process is anything but humane. Learn more about the country’s dirty little secret and find out how you can help save seals.
Actor and PETA supporter Gillian Anderson, who has filmed in Canada for more than 20 years, is urging the prime minister to call off the commercial seal slaughter.
PETA supporters drenched in fake blood create an arresting display in Canada’s capital as the commercial seal slaughter begins.
A Canadian scientist isn’t convinced that seals are hurting cod populations, as fishers—many of whom kill seals in their off-season—claim.
PETA calls on ‘Dine Out’ festivalgoers to skip Edible Canada’s seal-meat menu.
The world is ready to see the seal slaughter end. And this is the year that we can make it happen.
As Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visits the White House, he’s greeted by a “seal” who thinks he’s just the fellow to save the seals.
Pamela Anderson admires Canada’s Prime Minister for his progressive views on human rights issues and is calling on him to do something progressive for animals.
After seal slaughter supporter Gail Shea was voted out of office, Morrissey sent her a heartfelt farewell message.
Despite another appeal, the EU ban is here to stay.