Winter Is Coming, and So Are PETA Protestors (Photos)

Published by PETA Staff.
3 min read

Holiday shoppers weren’t the only ones out in full force recently—PETA members took to the streets, the freeways, and even the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade to remind folks to eat, shop, and live compassionately.

After a damning exposĂŠ of a Canada Goose down supplier, a “bleeding” PETA “coyote” took to the streets of QuĂŠbec City to protest the company’s cruelly produced fur-and-feather coats.

A little farther south, a giant “goose” led PETA supporters in another spirited protest outside Canada Goose’s new flagship store in Chicago. As temperatures drop, PETA will continue to remind shoppers that the best way to help geese right now is never to buy anything containing down.

As folks in the U.S. were gearing up for Thanksgiving, a nude protestor in Charleston, South Carolina, was reminding folks why it’s so important to keep turkeys off your plate this holiday season.

How does PETA celebrate National Fast Food Day? By handing out free vegan Taco Bell menu items, of course. Phoenix residents loved getting vegan burritos from our sexy “chicks” so much that a few even promised to watch What the Health when they got home.

A PETA “turkey” set up shop on a busy corner near Times Square and gave away free vegan starter kits, leaflets about turkeys, turkey squeezie toys, and Tofurky sandwiches, reminding folks getting ready for Thanksgiving to gobble veggies, not turkeys.

After reports of doping and mass killing of dogs, PETA protestors urged Chrysler to pull its funding of the cruel Iditarod race. Demonstrators brandished signs and gathered outside the Chrysler World Headquarters and Technology Center.

PETA members and a “skinned coyote” gathered outside Canada Goose retailer Influence U in MontrĂŠal to screen footage from PETA’s recent video exposÊ of a Canada Goose down supplier. Onlookers witnessed terrified geese being crushed and suffocated. They were encouraged to refuse to buy one of Canada Goose’s fur-and-feather coats and to choose vegan instead.

PETA participated in Norfolk’s Grand Illumination Parade. We decked out one of our mobile spay/neuter clinics in a gorgeous “Snips Ahoy” wrap that encouraged crowd members to get their companion animals spayed or neutered. Costumed staffers handed out more than 4,000 pieces of vegan candy to members of the crowd.

PETA’s 5-foot-tall inflatable lawn turkey made a pre-Thanksgiving appearance in New York City, kicking off the holiday week with an important message about leaving animals off your plate.

QuĂŠbec City and MontrĂŠal shoppers weren’t the only ones who discovered just how awful Canada Goose jackets are. Ottawa shoppers were stopped dead in their tracks as a “skinned, bloody coyote” and “abused geese” protested outside Canada Goose retailer NRML.

Headlights weren’t the only thing lighting up the 101 freeway in Los Angeles the day before Thanksgiving—PETA supporters gathered on an overpass to hold lit-up signs that encouraged passersby to shop ethically. Drivers passing below gave supportive thumbs up and appreciative honks.

No Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade would be complete without a friendly, compassionate reminder from a few PETA supporters. The sign-wielding gals reminded parade attendees to keep animals off their plates this holiday season.

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