Win It! PETA’s ‘The Compassionate Cook’

Published by PETA Staff.
3 min read

Chick-fil-A’s so-called “Cow Appreciation Day” involved giving chicken flesh to people who dressed up as cows. We think cows (and chickens) deserve better than that, so here’s our new and improved Cow Appreciation Day. We’re giving away The Compassionate Cook, our back-by-popular-demand, original vegan cookbook, featuring more than 225 recipes in which no cows, chickens, or any other animals were harmed. Just take the quiz below to learn why intelligent, sensitive cows aren’t milk machines and then enter for your chance to win:

1. Just like people, cows are known to ________ when a loved one dies or is separated from them. 

2. True or False: Cows’ sense of smell is even stronger in some ways than that of most dogs—they can detect scents up to 5 miles away.

3. This picture is of: 

A) a pipe cutter

B) one of the torture devices used in the Saw films

C) a guillotine dehorner, used by dairy farmers to chop off cows’ sensitive horns

D) a Halloween haunted house prop

4. In nature, cows may nurse their calves for up to _____ years.

5.  After years of being kept almost constantly, forcibly pregnant and having their beloved babies repeatedly taken away from them so that their milk can be sold instead, when cows’ milk production wanes, they are: 

A) put out to pasture on the farm to live out their days

B) retired to a sanctuary

C) feted with cake and alfalfa-flavored ice cream

D) sent to slaughter 

6. True or False: A Holstein’s spots are like a fingerprint—no two cows’ spots are exactly the same.

7. Guys, get ready to squirm: Male calves who are taken from their mothers are usually _______ without so much as an aspirin.

8. True or False: Like people, cows communicate with each other using different vocal sounds, body positions, and subtle facial expressions.

9. A dairy industry study reports that by the time they are killed, nearly _____ percent of cows are lame because of the intensive confinement to the concrete floors of milking barns, the strain of being kept almost constantly pregnant, and being made to stand ankle-deep in their own dung.

A) 10

B) 20

C) 30

D) 40

10.  True or False: Bovines love a good brain teaser, such as figuring out how to open a gate’s latch to let themselves out, and they get so excited that some even kick up their heels when they figure out the solution. 


Check out the answer key below to see how you did, and then repost some of these interesting cow facts to show your friends why it’s sour to steal cows’ milk.

To enter to win The Compassionate Cook, just leave a comment telling us how you did on the quiz. A winner will be chosen at random. (Your score on the quiz does not affect your chances of winning.)

The contest will end on October 25, 2012, and we’ll contact the winner by October 29, 2012. By commenting here, you’re acknowledging that you’ve read and you agree to our contest terms and conditions and our privacy policy and you’re also agreeing to our collection, storage, use, and disclosure of your personal info in accordance with those policies as well as to receiving e-mails from us.

Answers: 1) shed tears 2) True 3) C 4) three 5) D 6) True 7) castrated 8) True 9) D 10) True

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