Will Lady Gaga Put on Her Okra Face?

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

© StarmaxInc

As Lady Gaga heads to India to perform at the Formula One closing party, PETA India has an idea for her next statement outfit: a dress made of lettuce leaves.

Considering meat’s monstrous impact on our health and the environment as well as the plight of animals who are dismembered for food while still conscious, PETA India asked Mother Monster to show her fans that even just reducing the amount of meat they eat (or wear) can help.

Will Lady Gaga step into the leaf dress and discover that she was born the herbivore way? We’ll have to wait and see. In the meantime, you can use these free recipes to cook up some meatless dishes that you’ll go gaga for.

Written by Michelle Kretzer

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