Where’s the Best Place to Live With a Dog?

Published by Alisa Mullins.
2 min read

Personal finance website Nerdwallet has ranked Norfolk, Virginia—home of PETA’s Sam Simon Center—#2 out of all the best cities for people with dogs (OK, Portland, Oregon, you ranked #1). Nerdwallet based its analysis on three factors: social opportunities, affordability, and walkability.

Itchy in the PETA dogs park after being rescued by CAP.

Another factor was Norfolk’s many dog parks. One of those is literally in the Sam Simon Center’s backyard—PETA’s very own Bea Arthur dog park, a 1-acre riverside public dog park complete with a ramp into the water so that dogs can swim and then come back out and shake off, drenching their humans. It also features a toy box, kiddie pools, a water-drinking station, a shaded picnic area, and a separate section just for small dogs with its own swim ramp.

Rescues Dallas and Diamond Having Fun at PETA

“If you hear someone laugh out loud in our offices, chances are they’ve got a window seat overlooking the dog park and they’ve just spotted some dogs having a fun time,” PETA’s senior vice president of cruelty investigations Daphna Nachminovitch says. “Part of the reason why Norfolk is so dog-friendly is because of the dog parks and because of the low-cost spay/neuter services available in the city, including PETA’s four mobile clinics.”

Experience the delight of watching dogs wrestle, play fetch and tag, and splash in the kiddie pool from the comfort of your living room with our streaming dog park cam. And next time you’re in Norfolk, swing by the Bea Arthur dog park to see it in person.

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