We’ve Got Your Cheat Codes Right Here

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Just in time for Friday afternoon’s behind-the-boss’s-back video-game break, the creator of our popular New Super Chick Sisters is taking us on a walk through the game, showing us where the secret tofu blocks are stashed and demonstrating the proper technique for butt-stomping doomburgers on the way to save Princess Pamela Anderson from the clutches of evil Ronald McDonald. (Baffled? We promise not to tell anyone that you’re a bigger fan of the Bee Gees than of video games if you promise to show this to a daughter, son, niece, nephew, or grandchild. It’ll score you some points; you’ll see.)


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She had me at “hairball-coughing sea kitten suit”!

If you haven’t played this addictive game, check it out. After you rescue Princess Pam, why not take down the chicken-abusing clown the good old-fashioned way—by dropping McDonald’s a line?

Written by Lindsay Pollard-Post

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