PETA Scientists to Biden Administration: Back Non-Animal Testing From Day 1

Published by Danny Prater.
3 min read

Before chemicals or pharmaceutical drugs are brought to market, regulatory agencies—such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)—require various tests to assess their potential toxicity. PETA scientists are calling on the incoming Biden administration to prioritize the advancement of human-relevant testing methods that don’t use animals in laboratories, which is the best way to protect the health of both humans and the environment. Modern non-animal tests not only yield superior results but are also the only ethical choice. By embracing non-animal testing methods, the Biden administration can spare millions of human and animal lives—and PETA scientists stand ready to help!

Ways the Biden Administration Can Work Through Government Agencies to Promote Non-Animal Testing

  1. Identify and end the use of animal tests that don’t produce data used by the agency.
  2. Use human-relevant non-animal methods, such as three-dimensional models made from human cells and computer modeling.
  3. Prioritize the development of non-animal tests, and train scientists to use them.
  4. Communicate with regulatory agencies around the world to ensure that animals everywhere are spared.

What the FDA Can Do to Advance Non-Animal Tests

The FDA approved lifesaving COVID-19 vaccines years faster than the vaccine approval process normally takes because of a reduced reliance on flawed and misleading animal tests. Instead of insisting on animal tests, which don’t protect human health, the agency should rely on non-animal tests that will more efficiently bring safe, effective, and potentially lifesaving products to market.

For years, PETA has been calling on the FDA to modernize its stale and inefficient drug-development process. We were pleased to see this happening for vaccines against coronavirus strain SARS-CoV-2, and we will continue to call on the new administration to expand this sensible process to all drugs.

Close up horizontal shot of a domestic gray and white rat looking into the camera.

What the EPA Can Do

In 2019, the EPA announced a commitment to ending the funding and requesting of tests on mammals by 2035, and it more recently outlined a detailed work plan to achieve this goal.

a gray rat peeks out over the rim of a container

With the help of PETA scientists, the agency has made much progress in advancing non-animal test methods, and the Biden administration must give the agency its full support to help it fulfill its commitment. The EPA must also stay focused on pursuing the best non-animal science, engaging stakeholders and monitoring progress to ensure that its goals are met.

What You Can Do

Donations to PETA lend vital support to efforts to expose cruelty and save animals’ lives. For as little as the price of your daily cup of coffee, you can help animals in laboratories. Your support will help us fund advanced animal-free test methods, inform scientists, persuade regulators and companies to change regulations or practices, and otherwise bring about landmark change that saves animals. What are you waiting for?

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