Victory! Woman Who Gave Water to Thirsty Pigs Cleared of All Charges

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

There’s a special place in heaven for selfless animal advocate Anita Krajnc, and today—in a resounding victory for animals—a judge ruled that jail is no place for her.

Anita surrounded by people holding colorful signs
Anita speaking to a throng of reporters

Anita’s alleged “crime” was kindness. She was charged with criminal mischief for interference with the “use, enjoyment or operation of property” for giving water to dehydrated pigs who were crammed into a metal transport truck and headed to slaughter. She faced up to six months in prison and a $5,000 fine. Anita stood her ground and—together with her attorneys—argued that she was not guilty, as she was acting for the greater good.

Attorney Gary Grill said, “It’s always … nice to represent a client who has the moral high ground.”

The court agreed, and Anita is free to keep advocating for animals. As she walked out of the Ontario Court of Justice with her head held high, PETA staffers, members of Toronto Pig Save, 10-year-old Gifted and Designated Survivor star and PETA supporter Mckenna Grace, and members of The Save Movement (a global coalition of more than 50 animal advocacy groups) enveloped her with hugs and cheers.

But the real winners of the day were the animals. The thirsty pigs Anita gave water to were not “property.” They were individuals deserving of consideration and compassion. When Anita’s story went viral, people around the world considered the plight of animals raised for food, perhaps for the first time. And her victory will pave the way for other advocates to act bravely in behalf of animals as well.

If Anita has inspired you, share her story and the message that #CompassionIsNotACrime.

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