
Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Veggie_viagra.JPGSooooooo, a lot of blogs have been talking about this weird new concept of “Vegansexuals”. Some psychologist in New Zealand coined the word after conducting a study which found that some vegans just don’t really like to do it with meat-eaters. A high percentage of respondents evidently reported that meat-eaters smell funky. Tucker Carlson reported on the story last week, and made the claim out of left field that being a vegan kills your sex drive. I have no idea where Tucker pulled this myth from (maybe a bad experience with a lethargic hippie in college?), but I can guarantee that if he just finds the right vegan girl, he’ll change his mind quicker than it takes him to put on that dapper new tie of his in the morning.

Tucker did follow up the story the next day with a nice piece in which he read our statement on the topic—he claims he hasn’t changed his opinion yet, but he’ll come around. … Anyway, onto PETA’s position: We’re pro inter-dietary dating for about a million reasons; for one thing, if you’re ever going to persuade someone that they need to stop eating animals, you need to be around them, talk to them, listen to their point of view, and, hell, sometimes even sleep with them. Being vegan isn’t about being in a club, and while there’s nothing wrong with having a preference for someone who shares your views, I wouldn’t want anyone to think that giving up meat means you have to drain the ol’ dating pool at the same time. As Tucker pointed out, going vegetarian is supposed to get you girls, not cut off your options.

Finally, on a more personal note, sometimes it’s difficult enough as it is. I’ll take it where I can damn well get it.

P.S. Eating meat causes impotence.

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