Vegans Go All Jon Stewart on Meat-Eaters
If you sometimes have the urge to tape-record yourself answering questions about your animal-friendly diet so you can just hit “Play” the next time someone asks, “What do you eat?”, “Where do you get your protein?”, or “You must eat a lot of salad, huh?”, take a gander at our Daily Show–esque (and very scientific) “What Vegans Eat” pie chart:
After you’ve had a chuckle (grass? really?), you can post it to Facebook and Twitter so your vegan buds can enjoy a moment of Zen and your meat-eating friends can marvel at the fact that you eat a wider range of foods than they do.
Of course, after we’ve guffawed, we have to keep in mind that some people often ask us these questions because they are truly curious and that it’s a great opportunity to talk about the many wonders of a vegan diet. And granola.
Written by Michelle Kretzer