PETA’s Global Compassion Fund Helps Ukrainian Cat Who Jumped From Fourth Floor to Escape Gunfire

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Abandoned and struggling to survive in Ukraine’s hardest-hit region, a cat named John was left with a painful injury after a panicked attempt to escape heavy gunfire, in which he jumped from the fourth-story window of a building. The courageous folks at Animal Rescue Kharkiv—backed by PETA’s Global Compassion Fund—healed his physical wounds, but the traumatic ordeal left him despondent. Grab your tissues, because you won’t want to miss this tale’s pawsitively heartwarming conclusion!

Since just days after Russia invaded Ukraine, PETA Germany has been working with a network of committed volunteers and organizations to rescue dogs and cats and deliver them to safety. Teams are also delivering 80 metric tons of food and provisions each month to help dogs, cats, donkeys, horses, and any other animals still trapped in war zones—deliveries that will continue as long they’re needed. This work is made possible by the generous supporters of PETA’s Global Compassion Fund. Please consider making a donation today!

PETA Germany helps Ukrainian cats and dogs
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