Rescuers in Ukraine Scour Bomb-Riddled City to Save Desperate Animals

Published by Stephanie Goettge.
2 min read

In Avdiivka, a city in Ukraine that has experienced some of the worst destruction since the war began, animals are in desperate need of help. One brave couple living on the outskirts of the city has helped PETA-supported teams find injured and abandoned animals there. Watch as a team rescues nearly 20 dogs and cats from destroyed buildings and backyards.

Rescued in Ukraine: How PETA is Helping Animals

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, PETA Germany and its partners have been on the ground building a robust network of rescue workers, volunteers, and activists to help as many animals as they possibly can. You can support this work through PETA’s Global Compassion Fund.

a dog rescued from Avdiivka
a cat rescued from bombed city Avdiivka

PETA’s Global Compassion Fund is moving mountains for animals in Ukraine:

  • PETA-supported teams have rescued more than 15,000 animals—and counting!
  • Cats, dogs, horses, and other animals have received more than 1.5 million kilograms of food since the beginning of the war.
  • Beautiful safe spaces—like this cat refuge—are being maintained for around 1,300 animals in Kharkiv, where a PETA-supported clinic treats 100 to 130 seriously injured or sick animals every day.
  • The PETA-supported team at Animal Rescue Kharkiv has reunited 60% of all their rescued and recovered animals with their original families.
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