Two Seconds Can Save an Animal’s Life

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

I just finished reading a touching story about two people who rescued a skunk whose head had become hopelessly lodged inside a jar, and their account truly made me think.

Raccoon: © Isselée

Not just about how skunks, like everyone, need a helping hand from time to time (or how this grateful animal never tried to spray the women who were saving his life). It also made me think about something I do every week that could be hurting animals: pitching my cans and jars into the recycle bin with nary a thought about the journey they will take—or whom they might hurt along the way.

Even when we recycle cans and jars, animals can still get into them, attracted by the smell of our yummy salsas and jams. Fortunately, the solution is as simple as crushing cans and sealing jars before disposing of them.

Two seconds to help animals? Yes, I can do that.

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