Hunting Outfit Has Buy-One-Get-One-Free Deal on Lions—Help PETA End It

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

For trophy hunters who like a good discount on killing, one South African hunting outfit is now offering a buy-one-get-one-free deal for lions. Anyone who pays to kill a male lion can then kill a female lion for free. Mukulu African Hunting Safaris in South Africa is calling the offer a “Black Friday special.”

The website further states that if the hunting group happens across a jackal or a baboon, it’s in even more luck. Hunters are welcome to gun down those animals as well, for no additional charge. And the deals don’t stop there: The company urges, “Remember to ask us about our African safari hunting special offers at lowered prices, end-of-season special hunting deals and other cheap African safari hunts.” It’s ready to offer hunters the best prices for all their killing needs—on animals such as Cape buffaloes, elephants, giraffes, hippos, impalas, leopards, ostriches, rhinos, antelopes, springboks, and zebras.

You can check out the photo gallery for proof of how good the company is at blasting holes through animals minding their own business.

But, the website urges, hunters need to hurry and book their slaughter-cation before their country of residence bans the import of body parts from trophy-hunted animals.

Mukulu is just one hunting outfit selling animals’ lives on clearance. Valley Bushveld Safaris offers “affordable packages,” a “special,” and a “lucky draw” to “hunt additional free animals.” You can guess what the website is peddling. And the list goes on.

In the face of a global extinction crisis, we can’t let trophy hunting—or the disturbing new trend of hawking animals’ lives on markdown—continue. Help PETA end this cruelty. Even if you’ve already sent a message to UPS, help us continue calling on the service to stop shipping depraved individuals’ kills for them.

You can also ask the Union County Sportsmen’s Club to let suffering bear Dillan—and all the other miserable animals being held captive there—retire to a reputable sanctuary.

And to further PETA’s efforts to end animal abuse around the globe, you can become a member today for just $16.

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