Top Five Ways to Fight Brookstone

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read
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Victory Update: Following a national PETA campaign against Brookstone’s sale of Frog-O-Spheres —tiny plastic boxes containing two African dwarf frogs—the retailer has discontinued the sale of these little frog prisons in its stores. Learn more about this victory for frogs.

Since we announced the disturbing findings of our recent undercover investigation inside Wild Creations—the supplier of frogs for Brookstone’s Frog-O-Spheres—we’ve seen Wild Creations shut down its Facebook page in less than a day (that’s got to be some kind of record!), and thousands of people have taken action to get Brookstone to stop selling Frog-O-Spheres forever.

Here are five simple, sure-to-be-successful things you can do to help fight Brookstone:

  • Take action by urging Brookstone to end all Frog-O-Sphere sales immediately.
  • Share our investigation on Facebook, and in mere seconds you can tell everyone in your social network about the horror behind Brookstone’s frog prisons.
  • Call Ronald Boire, president and CEO of Brookstone, at 1-603-880-9500. Our digital presence is unstoppable, but old-school dialing never hurts!
  • Make animated amphibians entertaining and educational by handing out flyers at upcoming screenings of The Princess and the Frog.
  • Put your viral talents to a compassionate cause by creating your own Brookstone video.

If all our readers take action on the digital, viral, and cellular fronts, we can win this battle. Do your part, and I’ll save you a seat at the victory celebration!

Written by Logan Scherer

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