Starving Cat Saved From Filthy Dumpster

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

A longtime PETA supporter in New York is dedicated to rescuing cats from the cruel streets. She has adopted several cats into her loving home and arranged for dying feral cats, including cats who had been hit by cars or were suffering from terminal diseases, to be euthanized.

Her most recent rescue resulted from a trip to the local shopping mall. She saw something moving near a Dumpster, and when she stopped to investigate, she discovered a sickly looking cat who was walking through broken glass and trash, desperately searching for scraps of food. The weak and frail cat’s ribs were protruding, her eyes were oozing pus, and she was crawling with parasites.

The woman called PETA, and while she retrieved a humane live trap and a can of cat food from her car, we set up an appointment with a local veterinarian who is always happy to help the supporter and PETA. Just hours after the sick, starving feline was first spotted, the animal was mercifully euthanized, surrounded by caring people.

This determined animal advocate has saved countless cats from unimaginable suffering simply by always making the time to help. If you see an animal in need, please never be silent

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