We Spooked KFC–Now Scare Your Neighbors!

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Back in January, we told you about one of our cheekier stunts in our ongoing quest to help chickens who are raised and killed for KFC. Long story short: It involved the cemetery where KFC founder “Colonel” Sanders is buried and a headstone for PETA’s own Matt Prescott (who, don’t worry, is still among the living). The headstone is inscribed with a poem, the first letters of which spell out, “KFC TORTURES BIRDS.”




Now, granted, we might have a slightly, um, off-center sense of humor, but what we saw as cheeky, others thought of as, well, morbid. One commenter even accused us of having “desacrated [sic] an entire graveyard.” (Seriously? And people call us drama queens!)

Fortunately, a lot of other people “got it.” Unfortunately, among those who didn’t see the humor were the operators of the cemetery (and, just possibly, those chicken-pluckers at KFC). Suffice to say that we now find ourselves in possession of a homeless gravestone.

Cave Hill Cemetery forced us to remove Matt’s headstone after cemetery officials caught on to the hidden message it sent. As such a unique piece of activism history, we’d hate to see it collecting dust when it can be out there getting the message out about KFC’s real secret recipe. So now this piece of animal rights history can be yours just in time for Halloween, the creepiest holiday of the year—give or take Yom Kippur and Dia de Los Muertos. We’re offering you the chance to own something that will scare the bejeepers out of your local trick-or-treaters. So head on over to eBay and make a bid—not only can you own a piece of animal rights history, you can help PETA put an end to the cruelty of KFC and other animal abusers as well.

Written by Jeff Mackey

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