Snoopy’s New Job Offer: Poster Dog for Doghouse Donations

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

As people bemoan the news that insurance company MetLife will no longer use Snoopy as its official mascot, PETA has come forward to offer him a new job: poster dog of its doghouse-donation program.

Bear Before and After

As part of PETA’s Community Animal Project (CAP), fieldworkers deliver doghouses to neglected chained dogs and routinely provide them with vaccinations, medicine, food, water, and toys. A doghouse is no substitute for a real home, but it can provide a chained dog with some protection from the sun, wind, rain, snow, and cruel people. CAP relies on donations to fund the program, so beloved, iconic Snoopy could now help encourage people to sponsor the doghouses.

Ace Before and After Doghouse Delivery
Sissy Before and After Doghouse Delivery

Snoopy’s deluxe doghouse can become a fighter jet for the World War I Flying Ace and, when shown from the inside, is actually roomy and furnished like a comfy home. And of course, Charlie Brown brings Snoopy inside, too. Real doghouses can’t offer dogs anything close to the comfort that the Peanuts pup enjoys. So don’t be a blockhead: Take dogs indoors.

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