Hero Status: Sikh Man Uses His Turban to Save a Drowning Dog

Published by Danny Prater.
2 min read

With the help of some concerned observers, a Sikh man named Sarwan Singh was able to use his turban to save the life of a drowning dog. The incident, which took place in Punjab, India, was captured on film.


Outlets around the world have shared the video, which shows Singh, who can’t swim, using the fabric from his turban as a makeshift rappelling rope to descend the wall of a steep ravine as men above serve as anchors. Singh then uses a piece of fabric to pull a dog, who is paddling to stay above water, to safety. Everyone in the video is all smiles as the exhausted canine makes it back to dry land.

Eat your heart out, MacGyver. Give a shout-out to Sarwan and the men who helped him by sharing this story on Facebook and Twitter.

You, too, could be a hero for an animal in need.

Turtle in the middle of the road

The first steps are to educate yourself and to be prepared, as it’s good to know what to look for and how to help. Pack an emergency-assistance kit stocked with basics that could help in a multitude of situations. Store important phone numbers in your contact list (like those of your local animal control and nearby wildlife rehabilitators) so that you can quickly get in touch with the proper authorities if you do encounter an animal who needs help. And always exercise caution. You won’t be able to help any animals if you’re laid up in a hospital bed.

Looking for more ways to get active helping animals today?

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