Are Your Shoes Leather?

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

For anyone who’s done animal rights protests before, you’ll know that—no matter what the issue—the first thing anyone ever asks you is whether your shoes are leather (seriously, the question is almost a reflex for some people—I’ve heard of people being asked that at naked demonstrations). So it’s always a bonus when the demonstration is focused on the treatment of cows in the leather industry—at least then, you can stay on topic.

And this particular topic is an exceptionally gruesome one in India (which, along with China, provides most of the world’s leather), as today’s protest in Bangalore showed to dramatic effect. The powerful demonstration was staged by a pair of PETA India members (in what appear to be canvas shoes, in case anyone’s wondering) and was covered widely in the Indian media. Great work, guys.

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