Sexy Pilgrim Costumes Go Missing!

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

It’s a chilly South Dakota afternoon. You and a friend are scheduled to help save turkeys from a horrible fate at the latest head-turning PETA demo, but your sexy pilgrim costumes have yet to arrive. How do you resolve this nail-biter? Do you (A) go home and have vegan hazelnut hot cocoa? (A cop-out, yes, but oh-so-scrumptious.) Or (B) take matters into your own hands and get all fashionista on it?

Well our down-for-the-count campaigners were certainly not to be put off by some teeny trifle like not having any supplies for their demo. Pshaw! Thinking fast and on their stilettoed feet, they trotted off to the nearest Target and whipped up these stylish numbers.

Impressive, n’est pas?

pilgrim-sioux falls 068.JPG

By the time the original costumes showed up, the turkey-defending tour-de-force was already in full swing! And, as you can see, suited up in their proper gear, our resilient campaigners are keeping it going.

Sexy Pilgrims

So bonnets off to you pilgrim beauties. You’ve defended turkeys with your craftiness rain or shine—and all the while in heels! You can also see the pilgrims in action here.

Written by Missy Lane

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