Seal Hugs and Seal Surfers—These Videos Prove We Don’t Need SeaWorld

Published by Angela Henderson.
< 1 min read

It’s time that we said goodbye to cruel “swim-with-dolphins” programs and the mindless tricks that orcas are forced to perform at SeaWorld. You don’t need to support places that imprison animals to learn about them—instead, go scuba diving or whale-watching. These recent viral videos show human-animal interactions in the animals’ natural habitats—and the results are amazing.

This seal surfing on a whale is far more amazing than anything you’d see animals do at SeaWorld:

This humpback whale breach will leave you breathless:

This video shows what happens when seals just want to hang out:

And in this video, the host of a BBC show can’t believe his luck when he sees a blue whale:

What You Can Do

Don’t patronize SeaWorld or other marine parks in which animals are used as commodities to boost revenue. Encourage your friends to choose humane activities such as whale-watching, scuba diving, and snorkeling to observe animals without disturbing them.

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