Scale Back Cruelty, San Diego

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

San Diego recently got a special treat—in the form of three fishy PETA activists. The three ladies, wearing silver body-paint and little else, posed under a net just blocks away from the harbor. Their message: “Scale Back Cruelty: Stop Fishing.”

Our activists could breathe as they lay under a net in the hot sun, but fish aren’t so lucky. Fish caught in commercial gill nets suffocate or slowly freeze to death as they are tossed alive into large freezers. One fact that most people might not know is that fish are equal to dogs, cats, and all other animals in their capacity to feel pain. Plus, there have been more than 500 research papers on fish intelligence, proving that fish are smart, that they can use tools, and that they have impressive long-term memories and sophisticated social structures.

Our fish ladies got a lot of attention in San Diego—and hopefully, a lot of people will think twice before their next fish fry. Check out pics of their great demo:


SD Fishnet demo1.JPG
SD Fishnet demo- close up1.JPG
SD Fishnet demo- kids1.JPG

Written by Amanda Schinke

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