Save Lives Without Leaving Home: Join PETA’s Text List for Animals

Published by Heather Moore.
3 min read

Would you like to have more ways to help animals without leaving your home? When you sign up for PETA’s text list, you can be one of the first to take compassionate action by simply replying to texts with a single word—or sometimes just a letter. Your responses will let animal-abusing companies and individuals know that they need to change their ways. By joining the list, you’ll also receive immediate updates on important campaigns and exciting victories, so you’ll always be among the first to know when we have breaking news.


How Does PETA’s Text List Work?

We’ll send you a text message whenever we find out there’s an individual or company hurting animals. As soon as we receive your response that you support our urgent alert, we’ll immediately send e-mails on your behalf to the politician, company, celebrity, or other campaign target. As a result, within minutes of our call to action, the target of our campaign will receive thousands of messages! This is a powerful and important tool to confront people who think they can get away with cruelty to animals.

Be Part of a Winning Team

This program demonstrates one of the many ways in which PETA uses technology to make helping animals easier for our supporters, and it has won numerous awards—including one of the most prestigious awards in mobile marketing, the Mobile Marketing Association’s 2014 Smarties Award for Social Impact. It also won the 2015 Marketing&Tech Innovation Award for mobile innovation. The program is innovative, effective, and easy to be a part of.

First Responder alerts

If you want to speak out for animals without lifting much more than a finger, sign up here.

PETA’s Text List Supporters Make a Difference

Here are some of the victories that we’ve achieved with the help of this important program:

  • When PETA asked our text list to demand an end to the National Institutes of Health’s cruel experiments on baby monkeys, more than 5,000 people texted in to help, and the experiments were soon stopped.
  • When PETA urged people to tell Uber to stop requiring Uber Black vehicles to have leather interiors, our text list supporters pointed out how pointless the requirement was—and Uber quickly shifted gears.
PETA Facebook post about UberBlack
  • Supporters texted in by the thousands to help ensure that Sunder, an elephant who was chained and abused at a temple in India, was retired to a lush sanctuary with other rescued elephants.
Sunder Happy at Sanctuary

If you, too, want to help save animals, don’t wait—sign up now!

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