Santa and Bikini-Clad Chicks vs. KFC

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

While Santa’s making his list and checking it twice, you’d better believe that KFC is getting nothing but coal, coal, and more coal—and PETA’s “Sexy Santas” want to make sure that the world knows why! Check us out at our demos handing out info on Kentucky Fried Cruelty!


KFC Sexy Santa Demo


Santa’s not the only one who objects to KFC cruelty, and rightfully so! These bikini-clad hotties certainly didn’t get their sexy bods by downing greasy fried chicken loaded with cruelty and cholesterol. These chicks remind everyone to ditch KFC and have a very veggie holiday instead!


KFC Bikini Demo


Written by Christine Doré

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